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Chinese New Year plants that you need at home to usher luck and abundance for 2024

As the Lunar Chinese New Year festivities inch ever closer, complete your preparations at home with these lucky plants to usher in abundance and prosperity for 2024.

Luck plays an almost foundational role for the Chinese, wherein the belief that we are the stewards of our fates and fortunes often guide principals that decree our association with lucky colours, dishes, numbers, phrases, and even plants. Rooted in ancient cultural beliefs, these facets are not merely ornamental additions but also serve to represent an abundance of good luck, prosperity, health, and positivity in any space.

Where flora is concerned, this is especially true with some stalwart verdure that often makes an appearance around the festive corner. For instance, pots of jade plants bearing waxy, almost stone-like leaves that are akin to pieces of cut jade are often synonymous with positive chi energy in feng shui and are thus believed to usher in good luck. Lucky bamboo on the other hand, represents balance, especially when arranged in stalks of five.

Beyond adding aesthetic appeal, these lucky plants are also chosen for their ability to thrive and flourish, reflecting the desire for abundance and good fortune in the coming year. Homes adorned with these botanical totems create an environment that is not only visually festive but also deeply rooted in a centuries-old cultural significance. As families reunite and welcome the new lunar cycle, the presence of these plants serves as a tangible expression of hope and positivity, setting the tone for a year filled with prosperity and joy.

If you’re not sure where you should start, here are a few options as to which lucky plants you should incorporate into your decor.

Chinese New Year plants you need this 2024 for abundance and luck

Feature and hero image credits: John Wiesenfeld/Unsplash, Gabriel Miklós/Unsplash

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Jade Plant

A prevalent sight in most Chinese households around the world, the Jade Plant, otherwise known by its scientific denomination of Crassula ovata, is one of the most popular of auspicious flora for the Lunar Chinese New Year season. Owing its name to its waxy leaves that appear to mimic pieces of polished jade, these potted succulents are culturally symbolic of wealth and abundance. Perfect for the entreprising businessperson.

Image credit: Susan Wilkinson/Unsplash

2 /10

Pussy Willows

Another common Lunar Chinese New Year fixture is the pussy willow, which is often sold in separate stalks, each festooned with miniature buds of wonder. Beloved for their inherent beauty, some sellers may even go so far as to dye the naturally cotton-white bulbs into celebratory hues, such as red, pink, yellow, or orange, to best suit the occasion. They are representative of growth, whether it be in one’s personal or professional lives, as well as the heralding of prosperity.

Image credit: Janine Meuche/Unsplash

3 /10

Money Plant

This one needs no introduction, as the aptly named Money Plant is often a hot commodity come the Lunar Chinese New Year season. Also known as Epipremnum aureum, this plant is identified by its bright-green heart-shaped leaves, all of which feature a distinctive bright-green colouration occasionally marred by cream markings. According to feng shui practitioners, these plants are capable of warding off bad luck and attracting wealth, hence its name.

Image credit: Yu Xuan Lee/Unsplash

4 /10

Lucky Bamboo

Beautifully serpentine as it matures, the Lucky Bamboo is one of the most visually distinctive additions to any space. Native to Central Africa, these are not technically considered bamboo plants as they belong to a different taxonomic order. With that said, they share several visual similarities, chief of which being their segmented stems. When arranged in a series of five stems, Lucky Bamboo plants are representative of balance, peace, harmony, and power, across all aspects of life.

Image credit: Vipin Rajbher/Unsplash

5 /10

Peach Blossoms

A common misconception that many have is that Peach Blossoms are identical to Cherry Blossoms. While both are inherently beautiful, Peach Blossoms, which are more inherent to the Lunar Chinese New Year celebrations, sport pointy petals as compared to the rounded ones found on Cherry Blossoms. In Chinese culture, the blooming of Peach Blossoms are believed to usher in good luck and wealth, as well as budding romance.

As for the peach fruit itself, they are often considered to be symbols of longevity.

Image credit: Yan Ming/Unsplash

6 /10


A perennial favourite for home gardeners across the world owing to their beauty, you will be surprised to learn that Orchids also hold symbolic weight in Chinese culture. Oftentimes considered to be a plant of noble origins, they are synonymous with beauty, good taste, and refinement, in addition to fertility and abundance. Hence, they make great Lunar Chinese New Year gifts for couples who are hoping to start a family together.

Image credit: White.Rainforest ™︎/Unsplash

7 /10


A component in many popular mainstream floral fragrances, peonies have often been prized for their radiant redolence and stunning allure when in full bloom. It comes as no surprise that these flowers similarly occupy a vital cultural significance for the Chinese during the Lunar Chinese New Year and even during weddings, representing luck, honour, and generous fortune.

Image credit: Patrick Langwallner/Unsplash

8 /10

Snake Plant

Named for the sharply tapered shape of its leaves, the Snake Plant, sometimes derisively nicknamed the ‘Mother-in-Law’s Tongue’ plant, is a tenacious plant that offers protective qualities in both a practical and cultural sense. In a literal sense, the plant has been shown to be capable of removing certain toxins, such as Trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene, from the surrounding air. In a cultural sense, the Chinese believe it wards off bad luck, which makes it essential for keeping negativity at bay from the new year.

Image credit: Kara Eads/Unsplash

9 /10

Kumquat Trees

Children from Chinese families often recall growing up around these fruit-bearing trees and plucking their tantalising ripe citruses to taste out of curiosity. Asides from serving as a shared anecdote for many generations, Kumquat Trees are typically stationed in many Chinese households, especially those of Cantonese origin, as they symbolise perpetual wealth. The key is in its name, 金橘, which means ‘golden orange’.

Image credit: Gabriel Miklós/Unsplash

10 /10

Flamingo Lily

The exuberantly flashy Flamingo Lily, otherwise known as the anthurium, is typically more closely associated with avant garde horticulture, playing a starring role in the pantheon of exotic floral favourites for haute florists owing to its dramatically deep contrasts of red and yellow. As you recall, both colours are incredibly auspicious to the Chinese, which is why the plant is also used to symbolise bountiful prosperity.

With that said, beware as the entirety of this plant is toxic, and should be handled with care.

Image credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

Chinese New Year plants that you need at home to usher luck and abundance for 2024

Benjamin Wong

Senior Editor, Fashion and Dining

Armed with an Advertising major from Lancaster University, Benjamin is a senior editor who has spent his time oscillating between the social media and digital media landscape since 2018. With a keen interest in haute fashion and gastronomy, he has written for publications such as ERROR Digital, WORLD OF BUZZ, and KL Foodie. Beyond the keyboard, you can find him arms-deep in a thrift pile.

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