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How to build a perfect modern living room according to Awal Ashaari

LSA Digital Cover star, Awal Ashaari shares tips on how to build the ideal modern living room for himself and the family.

Do you spend a lot of your time in the living room? If you answered yes, LSA Digital Cover star, Awal Ashaari, has some tips to share with you. Building or creating the perfect modern living room shouldn’t be a hassle. Why not design the living room area according to attributes you truly desire? But, if you do need an idea or two, the style icon has a few to bestow.

We sat down with Awal to find out how he would build and design his own perfect modern living room. “It has to come with all the necessities,” he quipped.

LSA Digital Cover July 2022 Awal Ashaari
Credit: @awalashaari

A minimalist design

First on Awal Ashaari’s list of a perfect living room for himself is a minimalist space. “I’m not very daring with colour scheme,” he said. Cream, off-white, and black colours set the scene — providing a living room feel that’s both natural and warm. A quick browse on Awal’s Instagram gave us a glimpse of a staple in his living room, a grey King sofa.

A good television

In spite of technological advances such as the ability to stream shows on a portable tablet, an efficient television could add some buzz to the living room space. Televisions are necessary fixtures, according to Awal. Lucky for us, we now live in a zeitgeist where TVs are designed to seamlessly blend with the living room design rather than appear as an unfortunate intruder. Purpose-wise, televisions allow families to spend some quality time together; be it to watch the news, a sports game, or even binge a Netflix show.

Superb system

“For Scha and I, we love music. So, we have a good stereo in the living room”, Awal explained. The perfect audio really does make tremendous difference to how you experience or enjoy the living room — regardless if it’s a surround setup, a wireless speaker, or a sound bar. Creating the perfect modern living room means also being able to design a space that you’d be happy to live in. Good room acoustics equal good vibes all around.

LSA Digital Cover July 2022 Awal Ashaari
Credit: @schaalyahya

Ample lighting

Good lighting comes as a no brainer when creating the perfect modern living room. After all, ample lighting improves moods and transforms the living room space. The perfect living room isn’t an area you or your family would want to avoid. Lighting itself can come from various medium — such as natural light, decorative lighting, and architectural lighting.

LSA Digital Cover July 2022 Awal Ashaari
Credit: @awalashaari

A space for collections

Do you often bring home things from your travels or have a hobby collecting something you like (like K-Pop merchandises or travel magnets)? For Awal Ashaari, a perfect modern living room comes fitted with a space to display or keep your items. “I have a space to put things we’ve collected from places we visited. It makes the living room more cosy and interesting”, he shared. What better way to feel at home than to have your prized belongings around?

Find out more about Awal Ashaari and Scha Alyahya in the latest issue of LSA Digital Cover Vol. 004 HERE.

(All images from @awalashaari and @schaalyahya)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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How to build a perfect modern living room according to Awal Ashaari

Ronn Tan

Senior Writer, Fashion & Dining

After graduating with a Masters in Fashion Journalism from Instituto Marangoni London, Ronn took on a role as Lifestyle Writer. Now on a more project-centric position with Lifestyle Asia, he actively writes about drinks, fashion, and everything cool. When he's not typing on the laptop or managing a shoot, you will find him visiting the newest restaurants or sipping on a Negroni.

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