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How to invite love into your life in the Year of the Tiger 2022, according to Feng Shui

If your New Year’s resolution is to find someone special or if you are looking to improve your existing relationship, Feng Shui can help you in some ways. How, you ask? Let’s have a look.

Our environment influences our emotions and performance. A crowded space can add to your daily stress, which may be impacting your love life or family members. The same logic is echoed by the ancient Chinese traditional practice of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui helps you to align yourself with your surroundings so that you can experience peace, joy, sensual energy and romance. And since, according to Chinese astrology, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger — a creature that signifies power, daring, competitive spirit, impulsiveness and communication — its energy has some pros and cons when it comes to relationships too.

Therefore, you need to balance the energies of the apex predator with the elements and fortifying colours of Feng Shui and work on promoting positive energy that may result in improved romance.

Here are some feng shui love tips to invite love in the Year of the Tiger

Declutter your home

declutter your home
Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

It is imperative to declutter your house, as doing so will allow the flow of good energy in your bedroom and living room. When you keep your environment neat and tidy, you will automatically start feeling balanced, peaceful and positive.

Feng Shui experts also recommend clapping hands or ringing a bell to further eliminate any stale or unwanted energy, especially in your bedroom.

Furthermore, making space in your drawers, for your soulmate, can also help in inviting love into your life. To do this, go through your closet and drawers in your bedroom and remove anything that you do not need.

Other than this, negative energies can impact your love life adversely. Look around in your house and discard any photos or sculptures that denote loneliness, wars or sadness.

While cleaning your room, get rid of any belongings that remind you of a previous relationship or something unpleasant in your past. Things, such as letters, gifts or anything that reminds you of your former relationship, should be thrown away. It may be tough to let go, but this might hinder the positive vibes of your present relationship.

Additionally, remember to get rid of too many stuffed toys. According to Feng Shui, they clutter a space.

Recreate your bedroom

bedroom feng shui
Image Credit: Spacejoy/Pexels

It is also advised to keep the bedroom farthest from the front door. This will make you feel more secure, stable and protected. Keep the bed at an equal distance from the walls in your bedroom. Ensure that it does not touch any wall, which symbolises that no one is feeling stuck or deprived in the relationship.

When it comes to the ideal placement of your bed, it should be kept on the opposite side of the entrance door of your bedroom. Avoid placing the bed in line with the door.

Make sure to remove extra pillows. Too many pillows create bad energy in your bedroom. Your bed should not be facing a mirror either.

A double bed with one mattress and a blanket will create more room on the bed and will be comfortable, as opposed to two single mattresses or blankets. While you’re at it, make sure you have fresh and clean bedsheets too.

Twin beds repel love energy, according to Feng Shui.

More Feng Shui tips to attract love

feng shui love tips
Image Credit: Designecologist/Pexels

Do not place any sports equipment or exercise in your bedroom, as it implies putting too much effort into your relationship.

The main door and the bedroom door should open easily and freely. Make sure there is no furniture blocking their paths.

A Feng Shui love cure that can bring lovers closer to marriage is to visualise your sharing space with your loved one.

feng shui rose quartz
Image Credit: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

Incorporating rose quartz is a wise idea, as the crystals represent love. Those seeking love or looking to improve existing relationships should keep these crystals in the southwest corner of your bedroom to attract love and positivity.

You can use the pink crystal in wand- and heart-shaped forms. You can also gift rose quartz to your partner to enhance love and feelings.

Add the right colours to your home

The fortifying colours of the elements of Feng Shui will improve luck along with enhancing the flow of positive energy by keeping away negative energy and bad luck.

The lucky colours in the Year of the Tiger are cerulean blue, mint green, fiery red and imperial yellow to improve love relationships or attract new love. You may choose your bed linen, candles, bedside table or fresh flowers accordingly.

(Main image credit: Jonathan Borba/pexels; Featured image credit: Jess Bailey/Pexels)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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How to invite love into your life in the Year of the Tiger 2022, according to Feng Shui

Moyena loves exploring personal development and spirituality. She believes in the power of words. She is also passionate about food, dancing, finance, and her family.

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