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Some of the internet’s choicest Vision Pro memes

Barely moments after Apple announced the Vision Pro, netizens quickly got to work on memes, and we’ve compiled some of our favourites.

Apple unveiled the Vision Pro in their WWDC23 keynote, which marks the company’s foray into the headset game. It’s a major announcement from the San Cupertino-based company, with the presentation taking its cue from Steve Jobs’ iconic “One more thing” line. Obviously, the internet immediately erupted in discussion. Some are praising the Vision Pro, others are calling it a sure-fire dud, while others are on the fence. We gave our thoughts on it as well—just saying, in case you want to read that.

But what we are looking forward to is the inevitable deluge of memes, and in true KEKW glory, they have arrived.

The choicest memes on the Vision Pro 

The WWDC23 keynote did announce a number of different things like iOS17 and a new 15-inch MacBook Air, but netizens’ are enraptured by the Vision Pro. Touted by Apple as their “spatial computer”, ther device is basically a mixed reality headset that seamlessly blends the space around you with digital items from Safari windows and FaceTime to AR objects and a theatre-sized screen for watching Ted Lasso

People have noted that the Vision Pro look like ski goggles, but some argue they also resemble scuba goggles. Others are delighting (or perhaps rueing) the day when kids move on from iPad to Vision Pro addiction. Another post is suggesting a great way to make the Eyesight feature a little more entertaining for everyone. And of course, you can’t avoid the memes poking fun at the device’s price. 

Here are some of our favourite memes about the Vision Pro.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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Some of the internet’s choicest Vision Pro memes

Eric E. Surbano

Senior Writer | Entertainment & Tech

Eric can be found lost in his own world jamming with headphones on while writing when he's not prepping for a DnD session or researching 'Star Wars' galactic history on Wookiepedia. A proud Ravenclaw, he loves playing (and writing about) video games, humming the 'Doctor Who' theme under his breath, and rewatching 'Friends', 'New Girl', and 'The West Wing'.

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