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LSA100: Rising Ace Iyzdham Ang is breaking free from the shell of restrictions

Emboldened by his vivid dreams and the drive to achieve his goals, Iyzdham Ang is truly one to watch out for.

“This past year, I’m able to be myself a little more”. These words have stuck with me since that momentous Friday afternoon. You see, you just have to go on Instagram to watch Iyzdham Ang living his best life. Dashing good looks, the occasional thirst traps and well-curated content beckon an idea of self-expression and freedom. However, as I would find out eventually during our little conversation, there’s more to Iyzdham than meets the eye. And yes, the “d” in his name is silent.

The young content creator — who was recently admitted to the High Court of Malaya as an Advocate and Solicitor — walked into the studio way before his call time. Casually fitted in a black t-shirt and blue jeans, Iyzdham’s cool (sometimes shy) demeanour quickly becomes evident but being the ambivert that he is, that shifted immediately. The 25-year-old model’s presence on set is prompt; always curious and eager to mingle.

Collected yet playful, you might think that Iyzdham has been in the industry for a long time. In fact, it was only a year ago when this colourful chapter entered his life. “Everything happened in a flash and somehow, my posts on Instagram got on to the ‘Explore’ page”, he shares. Since then, his life and trajectory have taken on a different route — one fuelled by the determination to be completely one with the opportunities that come his way. Life can be so unpredictable yet beautiful, no?

As part of LSA100 Class of 2023’s The Rising Aces, Iyzdham Ang personifies the soul of the category to a tee. Driven, strong-willed and steadfast, he has goals in mind (and places to be). We spoke to him about his experience as a content creator so far, role models that inspire him, his expectations for the future and more.

Iyzdham glows in YSL Beauty, wearing a Superdry ensemble

How would you describe the past year?

This past year, I definitely haven’t been the most revealing. I didn’t really get to show who I am. I’d say that, me right now is completely different. I was in law school for several years and I’ve recently graduated. Now, I get to really express myself and I’m enjoying the opportunities that arise. There’s a sense of freedom and I’m embracing who I am a lot more.

What have been the best moments for you this year?

Some of my favourite moments this year include being able to model for some brands I never thought would be even be possible. I also walked during Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week for the first time! Personally, my highlight is that I get to do what I enjoy. I feel more Iyzdham this year. I truly want to try out different things and even though I did enjoy law, a degree of professionalism is expected. So, I felt a sense of restraint and couldn’t really reveal this part of me.

How do you juggle between content-creating and practising law?

I get this question so much! I got called to the bar this July and my parents are always wondering if I’ll be a full time lawyer now. My answer: I’m keeping that on pause. I’m not saying I’ll never go back but now that I have these opportunities, I want to see how far I can go. If things don’t work out in the end, there’s always Plan B — which is going back to law. That’s what I have in mind.

Photo credit: @iyzdham/Instagram

What are your expectations as a content creator and model?

I think one of my priorities is to grow my audience and expand my reach as well as produce content with better quality. Now, I’m just at the beginning stage and I’m not at my full potential yet. My start as a content creator was really random on Instagram. I was posting pictures of myself and I somehow got onto the Explore page. I think that was a reoccurrence for almost a year. It happened so quickly but I’m really excited for what’s to come!

When did you realise that you’ve made it?

That’s really easy actually. I first felt that last year when I was contacted to attend an event for a fashion brand in Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. That was my first-ever event invitation! I didn’t know how it worked and kept wondering about what I should do. I’d say that that is the beginning — I noticed a difference. That was the turning point and I had the chance to meet so many people in the industry. It was also at that moment when the thought of doing this full-time came to mind.

Honestly, I felt really awkward at my first event. I doubted myself too, figuring out why I was even invited in the first place. To be fair, I didn’t even know what KOL meant. There was a sense of inferiority but I understood that I had to make the most out of the situation. I’m an ambivert but I try to be an extrovert when necessary especially when I’m at industry events. You just have to be tebal muka and start talking.

What have been the biggest challenges for you so far?

Creating the right content is definitely among the biggest challenges for me. You can’t just repeat the same type of content all the time. People will get bored of you. So, there’s a requirement to really figure things out and be as creative as possible. You just never know what to expect from the industry and when something arises, you just have to be present and ready for it. When I was in South Korea for a project towards the end of 2022, I didn’t really know my purpose.

Also, the community is quite competitive. When everyone is moving in the same direction, you have to be different — and that’s another situation you have to figure out while moving forward.

I look up to the people at Models Lab such as Nia Atasha. I’ve always been inspired by her. I remember when I told my mum that I wanted to be a model. She replied, “No, stay in law school”. Another content creator who inspires me is Brent Manolo from The Philippines, especially the way he takes photos. I really love casual and relaxed style.

As an online public figure, especially in this day and age, negative comments are pretty common. How do you deal with hurtful remarks online?

I recently changed my hair colour on a whim and obviously, I’m getting all kinds of comments online. This is my first time doing this colour. I was at the salon and I just told the stylist to bleach my hair. It wasn’t planned. As a content creator, you’ve got to pejam mata sometimes to not see the hate comments. People will find things to say about you even if it doesn’t concern them.

As a content creator, you also need to be aware of things that are going on around you — and use your voice. Basically, know what you can give to your audience.

What are you looking forward to in the future?

I really want to get into fashion! Although it wasn’t what I thought about initially, I’ve been invited to many fashion events. That sparked a whole new interest for me and I want to venture into that eventually. Model and fashion come hand in hand so that’s on my mind right now.

I was so lost last year but I really have to give credit to Shalma Ainaa. She sat with me once and said, “You need to know your direction in terms of what you are giving”. I really had no idea what kind of content I wanted to create back then. It was she who helped me figure things out, especially understanding my passion. For me, that’s fashion. Shalma Ainaa is a fashion icon herself and she advised me to just start — including doing GWRM (Get Ready With Me) videos. I took her advice and followed that path since. She also checks up on me often to see how I’m doing.

Tell us the biggest misconceptions about you.

This is quite awkward but I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the direction of my content. Some say that Iyzdham only poses thirst traps but that’s not my main objective. It feels awkward talking about this but I’ve got to be authentic, right? Obviously, that’s not the only type of content I offer. Though, it’s good that you know how to pull in the audience every now and then. Don’t do it frequently, however.

What do you do during your free time or when you need to unwind?

That’s easy — I sleep! But yes, I also draw a lot during my free time. Not a lot of people know about that side of me. It’s another side of Iyzdham. I love drawing all kinds of art, especially portraits. I enjoy observing people’s features whenever I meet them. It’s really therapeutic too.

How do you want to be remembered? 

I want to be remembered as someone who doesn’t just follow a set path but I do what I enjoy — a departure from what’s expected of you. It’s about being understood as a person who got out of my comfort zone and being unafraid to express myself. One advice I can give to those who are scared of doing something different, know that there will always be Plan B, Plan C, Plan D. At the end of the day, I hope to experience as much as I can so that I can check off all the boxes by the time I’m 50.

LSA100: 100 Malaysians, 100 Milestones

Lifestyle Asia KL presents LSA100, an annual list that recognises Malaysia’s most influential names and celebrates their talents, contributions, successes and milestones. As the bellwethers of style, travel, design, entertainment, business, sports, and more, these 100 Malaysians represent the next generation of go-getters who are paving the way for sharing their know-hows with the world through the power of digital media. LSA100 comprises five categories namely The Rising Aces, The Trailblazers, The Disruptors, The Navigators and The Tastemakers. Find out more about LSA100 Class of 2023 HERE.

editor-in-chief & creative direction MARTIN TEO | words RONN TAN | assisted by PUTERI YASMIN SURAYA & MALLIE MARAN | photography ERIC CHOW / BLINK STUDIO | videography POR JIA JUN | makeup SHIYO JOO using YSL BEAUTY | hair CODY CHUA | stylist AZZA ARIF | wardrobe SUPERDRY

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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LSA100: Rising Ace Iyzdham Ang is breaking free from the shell of restrictions

Ronn Tan

Senior Writer, Fashion & Dining

After graduating with a Masters in Fashion Journalism from Instituto Marangoni London, Ronn took on a role as Lifestyle Writer. Now on a more project-centric position with Lifestyle Asia, he actively writes about drinks, fashion, and everything cool. When he's not typing on the laptop or managing a shoot, you will find him visiting the newest restaurants or sipping on a Negroni.

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