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Did you know what angel card reading is and what it does? Here’s an explainer

Divination has many forms. While different kinds of astrology like birth chart analysis, palmistry, face reading and tarot are some of the widely known practices, angel card reading is yet another esoteric study which could prove helpful for those seeking divine guidance to solve their present situation. Know what angel cards do and their significance, and get tips on how to read them.

Angel cards and their benefits

angel card reading
Image credit: Guilman/Pexels

A deck of angel cards, also known as oracle cards, has anywhere from 36 to 78 pieces and is used to access the spiritual realm through its readings. These cards are a pathway to the angelic dimension and are often used to get spiritual guidance by individuals at different crossroads in life.

Every angel card has a beautiful illustration and a specific and positive message for individuals seeking psychic reassurance to make major decisions. These cards foster a helpful connection with the universe, enabling a person to live their best life.

Read more: What are angel numbers?

Angel cards vs tarot card readings: Scope and difference

Image credit: Monstera/Pexels

While both angel and tarot cards include engaging with the divine to find solutions to life problems, their readings are very different and serve unique purposes. Tarot has a much more complicated, specific and evolved system which includes a 78 deck of cards with varied symbols with meanings. Also, one of the key differences between the two is that tarot is used to predict the future, but angel cards advise on the current life situations.

One can aspire for personal growth and nurture one’s current quality of life with angel card readings. But if one wants to delve deep into experiences and prophecies, then tarot reading can be opted for.

How to do an angel card reading?

angel card reading
Image credit: Veronika Malchevska/Pexels

The best part about an angel card reading is that anyone can do it, and one does not specifically need an expert or a healer on the subject of esoteric energy studies to carry it forward. First and foremost, setting a pure intent is necessary before embarking on this task.

Angel or Oracle card decks are easily available online to buy. Before the reading, it is recommended that one cleanses the space by burning sage and placing a piece of alum in any corner of the room to usher in positive energies by absorbing the negative ones.

Before you pull out a card, think about the area of life you need guidance for and narrow it down to a specific factor. Set your intention and express what you need clearly to the universe. Think positively and then pull out a card.

Carefully read the message written on the card and correlate it to your life situation. After careful mulling, you will realise you are presented with a solution. Peacefully accept the advice and express gratitude.

Angel card reading: Dos and don’ts

angel cards
Image credit: Monstera/Pexels

– Clean your cards regularly
If you have an unused deck of cards or perhaps you loan your deck to someone else, you must clean it thoroughly before using it. There are different ways of cleansing your cards of negative energies.

The most common ways include keeping the deck on the windowsill on a full moon night to let the lunar energies recharge it. The second method includes placing manifestation crystals for healing like selenite, amethyst, carnelian, kyanite or tourmaline on top of the cards overnight, and the third method is to shuffle your cards in the fumes of burning sage.

– Protect your energy
You must remain positive throughout the angel card reading. For that, you need to practise active positive thinking and imagine light and golden orbs around your aura as you meditate. The presence of any feeling of overwhelming distress or anger is not ideal for an angel reading session.

– Be thorough with the angel card meanings
It is important to know your deck well. Studying deeply about different angel cards, their meanings and symbolism will accurately help you draw references to your correct life situation and interpret the messages well.

(Hero and Featured image credit: Veronika Malchevska/Pexels)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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Did you know what angel card reading is and what it does? Here’s an explainer

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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