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Full Buck Moon in July 2024: Zodiacs, it is time to break free and dare to dream!

The full moon in July, also known as the Buck Moon, is set to rise on 21 July and will have quite a few transformative effects on the lives of all zodiacs. Want to harness the positive energy of this full moon? Read on to know the astrological significance of the full Buck Moon, its timing and its effects on your sun sign.

When will the full Buck Moon rise in Hong Kong?

This full moon will rise in the night sky at 6.17 am EST on 21 July and 6.17 pm HKT according to the local time the same day. Buck Moon is considered powerful because this is when the Sun and the Moon are placed directly opposite each other in their respective orbits. This full moon marks the completion of half of the year and presents an opportunity for the zodiac signs to transform themselves to reach new heights of growth, progress and achievement.

Full Buck Moon: All you need to know

buck full moon
Image credit: Diana/Pexels

Buck Moon refers to the bucks or male deers whose antlers are in a full growth period during July. This also signals the time for hunting. The full moon names for this phenomenon are Feather Moulting Moon (Cree) and Salmon Moon, Berry Moon, Month of the Ripe Corn Moon, Raspberry Moon, Hay Moon, Thunder Moon and Halfway Summer Moon.

This is the seventh full moon of the year and this moon phase offers a great time for the zodiacs to go into a mode of self-discovery and relaxation.

What is the astrological importance of full Buck Moon?

Buck Full Moon
Image credit: Edward Arnold/Pexels

The Buck Full Moon rises in Capricorn and ushers in the season of Leo just the next day after its full illumination. This full moon will mostly be based on the themes of your karmic responsibilities towards your work, family and self.

The reason for this is that Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign with Saturn as its ruling planet. This ensures that the zodiacs will be keen to fulfil their responsibilities and would want to stay focussed on their goals. Having said that, they will also break away from toxic patterns and be motivated to start their life afresh. This full moon has a great deal of spiritual significance on the lives of all the signs.

Impact of the Full Buck Moon on all the zodiac signs

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Arians will be motivated to concentrate their energies on their profession. They will seek to achieve new heights in their job but will wilfully ignore their families, which will not bode well for them. They must seek a good balance between their work and personal life.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

This indulgent earth sign will be bursting with new ideas during this period. The full moon is a productive time for them to let others in on what’s going on in their minds and benefit from their brilliant minds.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Geminis will continue on the path of healing and will find closure from an ex. They will also seek karmic retribution and settle debts, both professional and emotional, with their loved ones.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

This full moon is all about creating and securing strong partnerships on the work front and in personal life, too. Cancerians will find it relatively easy to communicate their needs without getting too emotional and will profit from this. The water sign will also be more interested in forging bonds with mature partners, which will add value to their lives.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

full buck moon
Image credit: Chait Goli/Pexels

This fire sign will feel more productive and energised than usual, which will make them take on many projects at once. But while this is good for their careers, they should also focus on self-care and give time to themselves.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

This is a rather exciting time for the rule-following, straight-jacketed Virgos! First, they will do something spontaneous, which is highly unlikely to their routine-loving persona. They will also find new love!

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

For this charming air sign, the Full Buck Moon will bring up their past traumas and evoke their sensitive side. They will not be their jovial selves and will likely be too involved with themselves to fulfil any social obligations. They should utilise their time to heal and not mind what others are expecting of them for once.

Scorpio (23 October –21 November)

The full moon in July 2024 will turn these cautious, intuitive and intense water signs into full-blown extroverts! This period will bring out their communicative side and would want them to mingle and mix with people in general.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Sagittarians will be interested in finding out additional methods to increase their incomes. They would be lured into signing up for many side hustles and take up more than they can handle. The important thing to remember is to refocus and prioritise only on aspects of life that matter to them.

Capricorn (21 December – 19 January)

Capricorns will be most positively affected by the Full Buck Moon as it rises in their sign. They will be instinctive in their approach at work and in their personal life. This sign denoted by a sea-goat will be confident and steadfast in their approach, which will yield them good results in all aspects of their life.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

This intelligent but distant air sign will be in its element to be more secluded from the rest of the world to introspect and heal. This quiet time will help them on a path of self-discovery and realisation.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

This full moon will make these peace-loving water signs a bit confrontational as they will not be afraid to cut cords with their friends who are no longer bringing positivity to their lives. They will also collaborate with new people on the work front which will be a fruitful addition to their lives.

Full moon in July 2024: Do’s and don’ts for the zodiac signs

Do not be afraid of confrontations: Zodiacs, remember that some upheaval is necessary to grow. Similarly, if you need to talk explicitly about your feelings, do so with your loved ones because that will give you much-needed closure, which will be beneficial for your healing.

Slow down: This is the best time to relax and rejuvenate and probably not a good time to take up adventurous activities as one is more prone to accidents during this time.

Introspect: This is the best time to go deep within oneself. Try and accept parts of yourself that are buried in the psyche. This will hasten the healing procedure.

full buck moon
Image credit: Eberhard Grossgasteiger/Pexels

Harness the lunar powers with a moon bath: It is best to keep a tub of water near the window or outside your home under the full moon overnight. The following day, bathe in this water. This has powerful properties to eliminate negativity and charge you with good energy.

(Hero image credit: Samer Daboul/Pexels; Featured image credit: Diana/Pexels)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When is the July 2024 full moon?

The July 2024 full moon rises in the night sky of 21 July.

What does the Buck Full Moon mean in astrology?

The full Buck Moon gets its name from the antlers of the buck or male deer, which has a growth spurt during this time. Its astrological effects are tremendous on the lives of zodiac signs who tend to seek retribution during this time.

What zodiac signs will not be affected by the full Buck Moon?

All zodiac signs will be affected by this full moon.

Is it good luck to have a full moon on your birthday?

Yes, it is considered lucky to have your birthday on a full moon as it blesses you with good looks, great personality and good energy to live productively.

What are the astrological and spiritual meanings associated with the Buck Moon?

The full moon rises in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. This means the zodiac signs will be more aware of their karmic debts and will seek transformation.

How can I best observe the Buck Moon?

One can harness the spiritual powers of the Buck Moon by journaling, focusing on healing and taking moon baths to manifest good fortune and positivity.

What are some rituals or traditions associated with the Buck Moon?

Taking a moon bath, charging your crystals, getting a tarot reading and doing moon manifestations are some rituals associated with the full Buck Moon.

Written by

Full Buck Moon in July 2024: Zodiacs, it is time to break free and dare to dream!

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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