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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from July 15 – July 21, 2024

Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy success this week. A promotion or a new position you were aspiring for will fall in your lap. Virgo sun sign natives will be in luck regarding their career and finances this week. They will have a great time workwise. Some new ideas and projects will come their way. So, embrace what resonates and let the cosmos illuminate your path with the weekly horoscope for Sagittarius and other zodiac signs.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Sagittarius and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Sagittarius and other zodiac signs from July 15 – July 21, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries sun sign natives are likely to get relief from some challenges and obstructions at work. A new phase will begin for you and the advice is to foster inner strength. Learn from your mistakes and start with renewed vigour. Put the past behind you. For people in business, any expansions you were planning might be possible now but move ahead with proper planning and strategy. Your financial situation will improve, and the monetary graph will move upward. Good health is indicated this week, but you will need to keep working towards achieving it. On the relationship front, you will experience positivity in relationships. Any acrimony from the past will fade away.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus sun sign natives will experience some dissatisfaction at work. Some obstacles and hindrances will mar your growth prospects. Your colleagues might not be cooperative, and this is a week to rely only on yourself. Business natives might lose out on some lucrative order or project causing anxiety and apprehension. Finances will not be as expected. Be forewarned of disappointment. Your past investments might also not get you expected returns. You will neglect your health this week and you will have to pay the price. You might just feel down and out, and the best cure is exercising and looking after your food intake. You will enjoy a good relationship with your partner and your understanding is all slated to improve, your bonds will strengthen. Familial bonds will be satisfying you will get full support from your family.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy success this week. A promotion or a new position you were aspiring for will fall in your lap. Your focused and committed approach will take you places. The advice is not to rub people on the wrong side and move ahead as a team. Businesses will flourish but you need to keep your team in good humour. Finances will be good. It is a good time to make some investments. You need to work on your health. Do not neglect any symptoms and do not hesitate to take medical advice. Take your medication regularly and do not be neglectful towards self-care. You are likely to enjoy a cheerful relationship with your mate with harmony and peace. A good week for fertility and conception is indicated. You will share a special bond with the elders of the family and children and youngsters of the family will be a source of joy.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer sun sign natives need to balance between planning and action. You might make big plans, but you will lack when it comes to action. Set realistic goals and work towards achieving them. Business natives need to bite only what they can chew. Do not over-commit. Good finances indicate some investments from the past will reap good returns. If planning to invest be careful and wise and go for safe bets. Health wise you might feel lethargic and lack the energy. You need to be focused on your health and work towards improving it. A good exercise and healthy eating schedule should revitalise and rejuvenate you. Work on building good immunity. You will need to put extra effort towards your relationships. You might feel dissatisfied with your partner. You need to rekindle and rejuvenate the spark. Familial bonds will be average. Try doing fun things with your family to add excitement to the relationship.

Leo weekly horoscope

Leo sun sign natives are advised to relieve themselves of overwork and pressure. It is good to give your best and put your heart and soul into work when the need arises but when this becomes a practice, you need to step back. There is much more to life than just work.  Business natives will struggle to keep pace with their commitments. Your monetary situation seems to be good and satisfactory, but this is not a good time to make any investments. Health will be fine. You might have some sleepless nights along with mental stress. Take out some time to relax and indulge in self-care Your relationship with your partner might be stressed as you might hold some past grudges. You need to let go of the past and be your loving and caring self. Just focus on the future. You might have some differences of opinion with the elders in the family. Focus on improving your relationships this week.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo sun sign natives will be in luck regarding their career and finances this week. You will have a great time workwise. Some new ideas and projects will come your way. Your work ideas will be appreciated. Business natives should get ready for new developments at work which will increase your business. Gear up for some hard work and strategic planning. Good finances are expected. Health might need attention as the start of some health problems is indicated. You should address any discomfort you face immediately. Recovery might be slow for people who are recuperating. In your relationship with your partner, some stress is indicated. Healthy space and respect for each other can improve your equation considerably. Too much nitpicking might spoil the familial ties.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra sun sign natives might have two career options and the choice might be difficult for them. You need to introspect and see what you want. A good remuneration is not the only criterion. Job satisfaction is equally important. Think carefully before the plunge. Business natives might try to expand their field of work and be in a dilemma about certain choices. The advice is to think carefully and decide after weighing all the pros and cons. Finances will be good, but you need to be mindful of extravagance. You might suffer from some eye infection but otherwise, you will enjoy stable health. You might have some unrealistic expectations from your partner, and this might cause friction. You need to introspect. A good relationship is when partners meet mid-way. You need to change the equations. The family will be demanding.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio sun sign natives will struggle with work overload. Bite only what you can chew, suggests the weekly Sagittarius horoscope. Work is a part of your life so do not let it become your entire life. Business natives will struggle to keep afloat. Excess pressure decreases your potential, and you need to plan and strategise before moving ahead. Finances might not be as expected, and you might feel burdened trying to fulfil the financial obligations this week. Some health issues are expected to crop up this week. Relationships might take a backseat because of work pressures. Your partner might feel neglected. The best way is to keep your partner in the loop of things so that they understand you better and are supportive. Family will feel neglected and you need to explain your commitments to them.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius sun sign natives will lack effort and commitment towards work. Success comes when you do what you like. You need to work towards that. Business natives should look for lucrative options. Do not be hesitant to change. Finances might be less than expected. Try to control your expenses. The cards foretell neglect towards your health. Do not ignore symptoms and take medical advice immediately. If you have been nurturing your relationship, you will get a lot of affection and reciprocation from your partner. You shall reap what you sow and the more effort you put in towards your equation, the better it will get. Family elders might need extra attention, states the weekly Sagittarius horoscope.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn sun sign natives will have their careers moving in the right direction. The energies are favourable and you might just get your dream job. A big increment is a possibility. You will enjoy good camaraderie at work and your co-workers will look up to you.  Business natives should make the most of this week. Any expansion plans you have been contemplating will take shape and the result will be satisfactory. Be ready for some extra hard work this week. Health might be delicate and neglecting it might cost you dear. The advice is to get a thorough check-up done. On the relationship front, you might have some disagreements with your partner, and you might feel claustrophobic in the relationship. Communicate frankly with your partner convey your likes and dislikes and also respect theirs. Familial bonds will be average.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius sun sign natives will have to make some tough decisions regarding their jobs. Some pending issues will have to be sorted out. You might have been brushing off certain work issues under the carpet but now is the time to have an open dialogue with your seniors. A change of job is a big possibility. You need to think carefully and decide. Businesspeople might see some positive changes at work. You might make a commercial collaboration which will be beneficial. Good gains and profits are expected. It would be best if you were proactive towards your health. Address any health issues immediately and do not neglect any symptoms. There will be miscommunication and misunderstanding with your partner on the relationship front. Effort is the key to success in all endeavours in life and relationships are no different. You are likely to achieve peace and harmony with the right efforts and attitude. Family members might need some extra caring and guidance.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces sun sign natives will make good progress at work. You will be exceptionally motivated to perform, and the cards foretell success. Use this favour from the universe to the best of your ability to advance your career. Businesses are all set to increase. You might add new ventures to the existing ones. This is a time to grow. Finances will be excellent some charity is advisable. You need to share your good fortune with the less fortunate. Good health is foretold for you. If you are recovering from an illness or surgery, the recovery will be quite quick. Keep taking care of your health and do not lax. You will enjoy a good bond with your partner. This is a good time to start planning a baby. You will bond very well with all the family members.

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The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from July 15 – July 21, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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