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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from July 1 – July 7, 2024

Cancer sun sign natives will be brimming with confidence with the successful accomplishment of their endeavours this week. Libra business natives will get a lot of success and will have to travel a lot. Financially, a good week is indicated. So, embrace what resonates and let the cosmos illuminate your path with the weekly horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs from July 1 – July 7, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries sun sign natives might have a disappointing start to this week. The much-awaited promotion might not come through making you lose interest and commitment. Your superiors might be harsh on you thus making you feel blue. Business natives might face some upsets at work and might be quite down and out. Finances will be less than expected and it might cause some upset in your financial planning. You will enjoy good health, but you need to listen to your body. Mental exhaustion needs to be addressed and you need to focus on self-care. If undergoing some treatment, you need to follow the doctor’s orders without neglect. Keep your disposition positive and do not indulge in moodiness. Deal with your partner with maturity and do not take out the work frustrations on them. Share your problems for a better understanding and support.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus sun sign natives will be insecure and lethargic at work. You need to introspect if you have been working quite hard lately. This might be a sign of a burnout. Take a break and get the spark and excitement back as this will reflect directly on your performance. Business natives need to take more interest in matters related to their work. Finances will be good but you will lack the enthusiasm to spend it. You will be in fine fettle, and very conscientious with your health regimes and goals. The advice is to keep up the good work and make time for self-care always. Your relationship will be monotonous. A taken-for-granted attitude is suicidal for the health of a relationship. Nurture your relationship. Put in extra effort to make your partner feel special and work towards intimacy.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini natives will face a setback at work. Something you thought would materialise might just slip out of your hands and you will be reprimanded for the faux pas. The advice is not to cry over spilt milk. Learn your lessons from the mistakes and work with renewed vigour and positivity. Business natives will suffer due to oversight resulting in losses. Financially, this is not a good time. Keep your expenses low and be tight-fisted with your money. You might neglect your health and the cards warn you to focus on self-care and well-being. You need to be mindful of potential accidents while driving and otherwise also. Relationship with your partner will need healthy changes. Move with the changing times and reset and refresh your equations. You need to pay more attention towards carnal pleasures. Family might feel neglected and you need to nurture your familial bonds.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer sun sign natives will put in a lot of effort and their hard work and dedication will be noticed at work. Business natives will incorporate new ideas and some new collaborations will be very lucrative. Good finances for natives in job and business are indicated. Your past investments will also give good results. You need to pay heed towards your social and mental health besides your physical health. Address your health issues and work towards controlling and improving your well-being. You might have some relationship issues and you will hold your partner responsible for it. The best way is to start afresh on a clean slate. Family might be distant and hurt. Sort out issues with the family members.

Leo weekly horoscope

Leo sun sign natives need to be alert as colleagues might not be cooperative. You need to be flexible and more adaptable as team unity is the only way to success. There are chances that the credit for your hard work is given to someone else. Therefore, work towards more visibility. Business natives should guard their business plans as there are chances of them being stolen. Financially the advice is staying alert against theft fraud and risky investments. On the health front, you will enjoy good health and feel robust physically and mentally. You will be very energetic and will want to fit in a lot of things in your schedule. You will try to juggle too many things together and not do justice to your relationship. You need to take some time towards your relationships and nurture them. You need to spend time with your partner. Develop a better understanding and more intimacy in your equation. Spend time with all the family members and stabilise your equations.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo sun sign natives will enjoy their work life. You will be more geared to bear and cope with work pressures. Work issues will always be there but strengthening your coping mechanism and proactive strategies will help you achieve a work-life balance. Business natives need to change their attitude towards work, suggests the weekly horoscope for Virgo. Be considerate towards your employees and respect their off time. Financially you will be getting geared up for the extra expenses this week. Try not to overspend and organise your finances well. You need to work on reducing your stress levels. You will face some challenges in your relationship with your partner. According to the weekly horoscope for Virgo, you need to communicate better and share your problems with your partner if you want them to empathise with you. Keep your family in the loop.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra sun sign natives might be bored with their work and might want some change. Monotony at work can mar your progress but remember that success is a mixed bag, and you cannot have it good all the way. Think carefully, you might just need a break and change. But if your creativity and individuality is being compromised then you need to look for something else. Business natives need to follow their passion. Finances will be good, but expenses will be over the roof and extravagance from your side might hurt you.  You will feel robust and gain all the energy and enthusiasm. If you have been suffering from health issues, you are likely to leave them behind and be in the pink of health. Prepare yourself for some turmoil and upheavals in your relationship. You will require lots of effort to get your equation back on track. Be mindful of the words spoken between you and your partner as sometimes words spoken in anger can hurt your partner grievously. Practice patience. Taking out your frustrations on the family is always a bad idea. They mean well and want the best for you at all times. Cherish them.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio natives will realise their career goals this week. If you are looking for a job change or a change within the organisation, you are likely to accomplish it. You will master the work you are doing and win accolades for the same. Business natives will fulfil their dreams of expansion and growth.  Financially, your work will be rewarded, and your investments will grow. The cards suggest some charity towards the less fortunate people to enhance their prosperity. You need to be alert towards your body’s needs. Do not ignore symptoms and work towards a healthy body and mind. You are likely to enjoy a good family life this week. Stability, security, and bonhomie – you will have it all and you are likely to enjoy a good in-between-the-sheets time with your partner. Family will be caring and you will spend quality time with all the members.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius sun sign natives need to pull up their socks and get ready for a new phase in their career. Business natives will add new dimensions to their field of work and will be all set to grow. Financially, a good time is indicated. A raise for natives in jobs and gains for business natives. Investments of the past will reap good profits and new investments will be made. A new source of income will make you very comfortable. This week, you will need to focus on your health and find time for self-care. Your relationship will get stronger as you share harmony in thoughts and will enjoy a harmonious intimate relationship with your partner this week. You will spend some quality time with the family.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn natives are likely to be overworked and stressed and might find it difficult to cope with it. You need to take a breather from work. It is not everything and not at the cost of health and relationships. Just listen to your body and take time off. Business natives should relax a bit and not be obsessed with work. Finances will be dipping and that might be the main cause of concern. You need to focus on self-care. Some meditation and spiritual lessons might do you good. You might feel the need to be alone and probably do some introspection. You need to be communicative and make your partner understand your need for peace and solitude. It does not indicate a bad relationship but a need for personal space. A good relationship is a balance between togetherness and individuality.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius natives will feel stagnant and dissatisfied at work. The cards foretell some good opportunities, and you need to be alert to take advantage of them. Be positive in your approach and work towards achievements. Business natives will have to be more careful and alert at work. A lax attitude can cost you dear. Financially things will not work out as expected. You might face some health issues which are likely to go out of hand and you might need medical attention. The advice is to look after your health and address the symptoms without delay. You will enjoy emotional fulfilment and a great bonhomie with your partner. There will be good intimacy and satisfactory carnal pleasures with your partner. Family will be supportive and you will have a stable equation with all the members.

Pisces weekly horoscope

You will face challenges at work which will make you adept at handling difficult situations, Pisces. You are likely to mature and grow a lot professionally with some key learnings this week. Business natives will incorporate new systems and strategies to grow their work. Money will be in abundance and you will enjoy the benefits of your hard work. You will be active physically and your endeavours will get you quick results. Focus on self-care. You need to be careful and be forewarned against accidents and injury. You need to stop nitpicking and interfering in trivial issues. Your relationship might be satisfactory on an intellectual level, but you need to make efforts towards a good physical one as well. Familial bonds will be good.

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The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from July 1 – July 7, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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