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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from June 24 – June 30, 2024

Cancer sun sign natives will be brimming with confidence with the successful accomplishment of their endeavours this week. Libra business natives will get a lot of success and will have to travel a lot. Financially, a good week is indicated. So, embrace what resonates and let the cosmos illuminate your path with the weekly horoscope for Leo and other zodiac signs.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Leo and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Leo and other zodiac signs from June 24 – June 30, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries sun sign natives will have to focus on good communication at the workplace. Do not come across as rude and brash with your co-workers and have an optimistic approach towards work. Never let the internal turmoil reflect in your behaviour. Business natives need to stay calm and not overreact as a few ups and downs should not make you lose enthusiasm. Some financial mis-planning on your part might put you off gear and cause anxiety. Be mindful of the anxiety levels lest they cause some health issues. Manage your stress positively through yoga and meditation. In your romantic liaisons, practice good communication and frankness. Respect your partners’ needs and opinions and work towards a better understanding and more intimacy. Try to be patient with the family members. If you are edgy and angry over little things, you might consider counselling and therapy.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus natives might face despotism from the seniors. You need to keep calm and be patient. Success is around the corner so keep going. Business natives need to be patient. Certain unforeseen delays at work should not upset and derail you from your goals. Financially, this is not a positive week as the money inflow will be lesser than expected. Listen to your bodily needs. Maybe a sabbatical is what you need to refresh your mind and body. Exercise and healthy eating should not be compromised. The bright spot this week will be the safe space your partner creates for you. Be loving and understanding. You need to be appreciative towards the family as well as they will be committed towards your well-being.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini sun sign natives might feel lethargic in their jobs. The reason could be lack of basic groundwork. You need to prepare better for your endeavours so that the execution is exciting. Business natives will need better organisation and planning when it comes to their projects. Expect average returns financially. Postpone any investment plans you have for the moment. If you are neglecting and suppressing any symptoms, the advice is to address them bang on. A medical check-up will do you good. You should address all the issues and indications. You might be accident-prone this week. The consistency in your relationship is lacking and you need to work on a better understanding with your partner. The difference in opinion is bound to happen you need to tackle them maturely. Work towards bonhomie and improving your carnal pleasures. Familial bonds will be average, and youngsters and children will need some guidance and support.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer sun sign natives will be brimming with confidence with the successful accomplishment of their endeavours this week. Business natives will get the breakthrough they have been waiting for and enjoy stability at work. Finances will be good, time to enjoy the prosperity and abundance this week. Health-wise you have been too harsh on yourself and it is time to listen to your body rest recuperate and pamper yourself, focus on a healthy diet some physical activities and lots of rest. You will be having trivial disagreements with your mate you need to show maturity and only focus on crucial issues, a difference of opinion amongst partners is but natural and how you handle them will define your equations.  Try not to nit-pick with family members everyone values space. Youngsters need independence and space you need to let them know the reality of situations but do not over advice.

Leo weekly horoscope

According to Leo weekly horoscope, Leo sun sign natives will see some positive changes at work. You will be at your creative best and your ideas will be appreciated. You will share good camaraderie at work and your colleagues will be supportive. Business natives will put their expansion plans into being and enjoy the success. Financially, you will have the Midas touch and will be comfortable. Your status is all set to grow. This is the right time to invest your money and if you have plans of buying a house this is a good time.  Health will be on the mend. Any emotional or mental issues you have had in the past will settle down. You will feel robust and stable enough to cope with everything. You need to work on yourself emotionally, suggests Leo weekly horoscope. Life is too short to be unhappy, states the weekly horoscope for Leo. Just focus on positivity and work towards a good understanding and intimacy. It is important to convey your warmth to the family members by kind words and gestures.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo sun sign natives will face uncertainty and exhaustion at work. Things might not go as expected and you might face some obstacles and delays. Do not lose focus. Your hard work will bear fruit and things will start sorting out soon. Businesses will be slow, and you will struggle to achieve your targets. A lot of unexpected expenses will upset your budget and you need to be careful with your money there are chances of some fraud. You will feel relaxed and positive where health is concerned and if recuperating, a quick recovery is indicated. Keep on with the good work towards your health and you will enjoy robustness. Relationships will be satisfactory. You will have a good connection with your partner and enjoy an exciting time. A holiday together can strengthen the bonds manifolds. Your family will be happy with your time and attention. Children and youngsters will share a special bond with you, and you will have a good time with them.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra natives will be indecisive at work as they will have two career options and they will be yo-yoing between them. You need to think carefully as both the options will be good and it will be difficult to make a choice. The advice is not to base the decision only on remuneration as job satisfaction is important. Business natives will get a lot of success and will have to travel a lot. Financially, a good week is indicated. You are likely to get increments and increased profits. Your health needs extra attention this week. You have been working very hard and overindulging yourself and this might bring some health-related issues. Pay attention to small symptoms. Address them immediately. Focus on a good exercise regime. You will enjoy a good week with your partner. You will have a good bond with the family members and will enjoy a harmonious time together.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio natives might face a lot of competition at work but will get success after fighting for it. The credit for your hard work might be given to someone else, and it can be disturbing. It might be a good idea to stay in the limelight. It does not always pay to be humble, and at times you need to blow your own trumpet. Business natives will face stiff competition and you need to be on your toes and fight your way through to win projects. Finances will be average. You will need to focus on your health as some neglect towards health is indicated. You will enjoy a good equation with your partner this week. Find a balance between the heart and mind. Work towards good carnal pleasures. The cards foretell that your commitments might keep you away and this might cause some resentment. Your family will be supportive but demanding.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius sun sign natives need to reflect on their career goals and set a structured and meticulous plan to achieve their targets. Do not hesitate to seek guidance from your colleagues and mentors. At times valuable insights are helpful to cope with the challenges. Business natives need to avoid impulsiveness and reset more realistic and achievable goals. Finances will be average. Do not expect too much this month as it might make you feel frustrated. The health cards foretell a need to maintain your well-being. Regularise your lifestyle and focus on a healthy diet. Include physical activities in your daily routine and do not disregard sleep. You might feel insecure in your relationship and fear opening up. Good communication not only involves talking but understanding each other. Seek clarity, express your feelings, and listen to others’ perspectives without judgment when it comes to your family.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn natives need to prepare for new beginnings at work. Business natives might change their field of work. Move ahead in a proper and planned manner. Acquiring new skills might be a good idea. Be open to change and new possibilities. A new source of income will open up and your past investments will get you good results. Health-wise you will face some issues. Your health parameters might be disturbed, and you might need to make some adjustments in your lifestyle like cutting down on certain foods or giving up some die-hard habits. On the relationship front, you might face some difficult times emotionally. Remember every problem has a solution. You just need to find it and work towards amicable solutions. Do not involve others to sort out your problems. Family youngsters and elders are vulnerable emotionally and might feel neglected. They might want more time and support from you.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius sun sign natives will feel uncertain and stagnant at work. Fatigue towards work can make you dull and disinterested and you need to overcome that. You need to take a break, or maybe a sabbatical as the mental and physical coping abilities of each individual are different. Businesses will be dull and business natives will have to think of new ways to add spice at work. Finances will be okay. You might be overanxious for nothing. Organise your finances and you might feel better. Health is slated to improve for you this week. You will feel energetic and robust.  You will enjoy good and healthy relationships. A harmonious equation with your partner with good carnal pleasures is indicated. Some celebration in the family will get all the members close and you will enjoy a blissful rapport.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces natives will acquire new skills and acumen and will enjoy the fruits of their hard work. Business natives will add new dimensions to their existing line of work and their business is all slated to grow. Financially, a good time is indicated. Health-wise you will be conscientious and focussed on healthy eating. Small health issues bothering you will disappear, and you can look forward to being in the pink of health. Your relationships will need attention. Be open to change and adaptability and focus on the positive aspect of your relationship. Taking a holiday together will be a good way to revive and strengthen your bonds. Some misunderstandings and friction among family members will make you anxious. The best way is to have a frank discussion to resolve the issues.

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The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from June 24 – June 30, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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