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How compatible are Colin Bridgerton and Penelope? Let’s find out

Steamy romance or a mature friendship? A whirlwind affair or a gradual progression of the affair culminating in marriage? Netflix’s Bridgerton season 3 part two, which drops on 13 June 2024, puts Colin Bridgerton (played by Luke Newton) and Penelope Featherington’s (played by Nicola Coughlan) relationship on the centre stage. It is for us ‘dearest, gentle readers’ to find out how well the two complement each other’s personalities. For that, let us have a look at their horoscopes. Here is Bridergeton’s Colin and Penelope Featherington’s astrological compatibility assessment.

Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington: Birth chart revelations

bridgerton colin and penelope colin and penelope compatibility
Image credit: IMDb/ LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Penelope’s main characterisation in the novel and the movie revolves around the fact that she has a dual personality: a designated wallflower and girl-next-door who is also the town’s “infamous”, albeit secret, gossip monger, Lady Whistledown. This quality makes her a Gemini, as this sign represents duality in the zodiac system. However, according to author Julia Quinn’s novel Romancing Mr Bridgerton, her birthday falls on 8 April 1796, which makes her sun sign Aries.

Colin, on the other hand, loves to travel and explore the world, which is close to the characteristics of a Sagittarian, but Quinn mentions his birthday as 2 March 1791. This makes him a Pisces. To think of it, Aries is the first sign on the zodiac wheel, while Pisces is the last. This is a classic case of opposites attract, as going by astrological theories, these two signs are completely different from each other and not an ideal match. However, they also have the potential to bring out the best in each other. This pairing is as potent as fire and ice.

Coming to the moon signs of the pair, Penelope is either an Aries or Taurus and Colin is seemingly an Aquarius. This implies while Penelope is more straightforward and strong-willed, Bridgerton is pragmatic in his approach and capable of supporting his partner’s unconventional ideas and big dreams. His Aquarian moon ensures he is a selfless, intelligent and empathetic lover.

#Polin romantic compatibility

colin and penelope bridgerton colin and penelope
Image credit: IMDb/ LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Penelope’s Aries demands her to be outright in her approach. She does not beat around the bush and is very clear about her feelings and intentions with Colin. Whereas Colin feels deeply because of his Pisces sun; at the same time, he is detached because of his Aquarian moon. He, therefore, takes his own sweet time to develop feelings for Penelope. He is, at first, completely oblivious to Penelope’s feelings and looks at her as the best friend of his younger sister, Eloise. Eventually, he comes around.

Another important factor about the couple’s birth chart is that Colin’s Saturn has a connection with Penelope’s sun in Aries, which makes their connection old and long-term. Having said that, they might have some differences because Penelope’s intense and impulsive actions might seem opposing to Colin’s calculated decision-making style, making him seem oppressed by his fiery partner.

Another planet to look for in the birth chart to analyse their romantic compatibility is Venus as it symbolises love. Colin’s Venus squares with Penelope’s Mars, which makes him desirable for Miss Featherington. This placement guarantees fireworks in the bedroom.

Penelope’s sun is aligned with Colin’s South Node of Destiny, indicating that theirs is a karmic bond and they are meant to be with each other.

Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington: Intellectual compatibility

colin and penelope compatibility
Image credit: IMDb/ LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

If there was one word to describe the communication and intellectual compatibility between this hit pair, it would be: excellent! The reason is the meditative, calm, non-confrontational and contemplative water sign of Pisces plays a huge role in this. Other than having his sun in this sign, Colin also has a stellium of three celestial objects: the Sun, Venus and Mars in this water sign, whereas Penelope has Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces.

Colin’s planets of love (Venus) and drive (Mars) connect well with Penelope’s planets of growth (Jupiter) and communication (Mercury). This facilitates easy conversation between the two and gives us an idea of the deep understanding that they might have for each other.

Penelope is destined to facilitate growth, well-being and happiness in Colin and will be a constant companion, guiding him through the ups and downs of life.

What does the future hold for Colin and Penelope according to their birth charts?

Assuming everything ends well in season 3 part 2 of the show, there will be a long-lasting and happy marriage. However, they must be aware of their financial future. The Venus and Jupiter connection in their birth chart indicates that both have generous hearts and like to spend handsomely. They need to manage their finances well to avoid overspending and overindulgence.

(Hero and Featured image credit: IMDb/ LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Do Penelope and Colin love each other?

Penelope loves Colin right from the start of the series. By the third season, Colin also develops feelings for her.

-How does Colin realise he loves Penelope?

Colin Bridgerton realises he loves Penelope when Lord Debling proposes to her and she refuses. While going back home in the carriage, he confronts her, and they share a passionate kiss. Immediately after, he announces in the Bridgerton house that they are to be married. Will Penelope become a Bridgerton? Their birth charts ensure that.

-Do Colin and Penelope have a baby?

The couple does not have a baby yet and the showrunner Jess Brownell has not revealed the same.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

How compatible are Colin Bridgerton and Penelope? Let’s find out

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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