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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from June 17 – June 23, 2024

Virgo natives will enjoy success and achievements. A new opportunity that you have been waiting for will fructify and this will be a feather in your cap. You will go down memory lane and remember the pleasant times you spent with your partner, Aquarius. This is likely to refresh your relationship and strengthen the bonds of love. So, embrace what resonates and let the cosmos illuminate your path with the weekly horoscope for Cancer and other zodiac signs.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Cancer and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Cancer and other zodiac signs from June 17 – June 23, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries sun sign natives are slated to have a good week professionally. This week shows positivity at work and realisation of ambitions. You will be able to achieve almost everything but the price will be hard work. Businesses will grow at a fast pace with lots of good opportunities coming your way. You might have to work hard for the financial stability you strive for, but you need to control your indulgences. You will be in the pink of health this week. Your efforts towards improving and achieving your health targets will bear fruit. You will enjoy a good bonhomie with your partner increasing your mental bonding and physical intimacy. You will enjoy good family bonding. Some celebrations together will get the family closer and strengthen the bonds of camaraderie amongst all the members.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus sun sign natives will have to put in a lot of hard work, planning, and energy to achieve their goals. Some delays can de-motivate you. Keep working towards your goal. Business natives will go through some obstacles and hardships. Finances might not be as expected. The advice is not to spend in anticipation. You need to find balance in your life regarding your eating and exercising regime. You will have a positive and warm relationship with your partner. A good mental compatibility and intimacy will make your bonding congenial. Any acrimony from the past between couples and family members will get sorted out. You will enjoy a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini sun sign natives can expect some relief from obstacles and challenges at work. A new phase will begin for you and the advice is to foster inner strength. Learn from your mistakes and start with renewed vigour. The financial situation is likely to improve for businesspeople. Finances are likely to stabilise. Try not to neglect your health. Address any unusual health-related symptoms or discomfort immediately. There might be some disharmony with your partner. You need to set some ground rules. Your self-respect should not be compromised. Family will be supportive but try not to take out your resentment on them. Be friendly and kind to the youngsters.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer sun sign natives might be in an uncomfortable situation regarding their professional pursuits, states the weekly Cancer horoscope. On the face of it, things will be okay for you, but you will be dissatisfied at work despite professional success. You might feel your potential is not utilised to the fullest. Finances will be average. Your health might need attention as some physical ailments will bother you, suggests the weekly Cancer horoscope. The advice is to address the issues and not neglect it. The thorn in your relationship with your partner will be miscommunication and misunderstanding. You might not open up for the fear of upsetting your partner but bottling up is not a solution. Physical intimacy is a balm for soreness, work towards it. Do not hold grudges against the family. Address the issues and dissolve the strife. Always be open and frank with your near and dear ones.

Leo weekly horoscope

Leo sun sign natives might face some misunderstandings at the workplace causing disharmony and an uncongenial atmosphere. Your co-workers might be uncommunicative and dishonest. You need to be careful about the intentions of your colleagues. Do not trust blindly look out for yourself. Business persons need to be careful against fraud and theft. Financially things will be as expected but you might incur some losses and thefts. You are likely to be blessed with good physical and mental well-being this week. You will feel energetic but try to relax and stay calm. Maintain a regular exercise schedule. You have to put in efforts to improve your relationships by being flexible and discarding your ego. Embrace positive changes in your relationship with your partner. Do not be rigid as change is the only constant in life. Do not nitpick with family, especially children.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo natives will enjoy success and achievements. A new opportunity that you have been waiting for will fructify and this will be a feather in your cap. You will be enthusiastic and over committed and that will win you accolades. Businesses are all slated to grow, and you will realise your professional dreams to some extent. This is a good week for finances. Expect an increase in income and profits. Your conscientiousness towards self-care will make you enjoy good health. You should include some outdoor activities in your daily regime. On the relationship front, you will enjoy security and stability. A pedantic attitude in the handling of matters might spoil things for you. Try to give more space to your partner and increase your intimacy with them. It is a good time to make happy memories together. Family relationships will be average.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra sun sign natives might be in for some disappointment as lots of hard work and energy have been put in to achieve their targets. However, delays can be de-motivating. Keep working towards your goal. More often than not, the result is never in your hands. Business natives might face a slowdown and will need a lot of patience and hard work to get things back on track. Finances might not be as expected. The advice is not to spend in anticipation. Your health will be directly proportional to the efforts you put in. You need to keep up your efforts to maintain and enjoy your good health. If you want to enjoy good relationships, stop holding grudges against your near and dear ones as it prevents you from being your loving and caring self. The advice is to let go of the past and focus on the present. You might have a difference of opinion with some members of your family.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio sun sign natives will be overburdened with work and not in a happy frame of mind. The cards foretell some deceit and underhand dealings. Natives of this sun sign need to be careful of their dealings and signing of documents. Businesspeople need to be extra careful of what they commit to. Read the fine print carefully. Finances might cause some stress. You need to be vigilant against fraud and cheating. Do not take too much stress. Get a health check-up done and follow a healthy diet and exercise regime thereafter. This week will see you struggling with some emotional matters. It is advised to address and be frank with your partner about your insecurities. Harbouring past grudges is the biggest deterrent in any relationship. Let bygones be bygones. Be kind towards your family.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius sun sign natives need to ease out work pressures. It is good to give your best and put your heart and soul into work. Work should be a part of your life and not your entire life. There is much more to life than just work. Business natives should choose quality over quantity. Your monetary situation will be good. This is not a good time to take any risk with investments. Focus on your health this week. Make health your priority. Add a lot of physical activity to your daily regime to improve your cardiovascular system and boost your endurance. Gear up to deal with some discord and disharmony with your partner this week. You need to respect each other and be patient. Relationships are all about balance. Work towards improving your carnal pleasures. If you are facing some fertility issues, professional advice is recommended. Familial bonds will be average.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn sun sign natives need to be cautious of their work ethics and conduct. You might be under the scanner and being assessed for a promotion. You must focus on your goals. You might also discover your true calling in terms of your career. Business natives are likely to change the nature of the work. Follow your intuition and you will succeed. Financially you need to be alert. Make sure all your paperwork is up to date. You are likely to get good returns from past investments. Do not take your health casually. Try yoga and meditation to keep yourself calm and relaxed. Having unreal expectations from your partner might spoil equations. You need to be practical. Taking any relationship for granted is suicidal. All liaisons need nurturing – be it your partner or family.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius sun sign natives might be insecure and restless at work this week. Your efforts are not getting recognised and despite giving your best, you are not being given any credit. Just relax and do your best. Ignite a spark and build up some excitement at work. Hard work is always rewarded. Businesspeople should not think of any expansions this week. Finances will be average. Do not expect much. This is not a good time for investments. Healthy eating and exercising are good investments. Focus on self-care and healthy habits. You will go down memory lane and remember the pleasant times you spent with your partner. This is likely to refresh your relationship and strengthen the bonds of love. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures. This is a good time to increase your family if you so desire. You will relive the pleasant memories with your family increasing the bonding and closeness. A good time with family and friends is indicated.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces sun sign natives might have to make some major decisions regarding their work. A change of job is also a big possibility. You need to think carefully and decide. Businesspeople might make a commercial collaboration which will be beneficial. Good profits are expected. Focus on self-care. Any neglect might escalate some existing health issues. The advice is to get a thorough check-up done. Look after your health, start with a healthy diet plan, and some daily dose of exercise. You might be accident-prone this week and need to be cautious. You might have some differences of opinion and unpleasantness with your partner. You need to be patient and understanding. The best way is to give space and time and things will settle down. Efforts are required for stability in relationships. Family will understand but you need to make more efforts towards camaraderie amongst all the members.

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The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from June 17 – June 23, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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