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These are the three most flirtiest sun signs on the zodiac wheel

Dating can be daunting for some people. While it would take guts for a few to make the first move, others would do it naturally. Interestingly, astrology plays a hand in determining a pattern in the behaviour of zodiac signs when it comes to expressing their feelings or just striking up a conversation with a crush. So who is the flirtiest zodiac sign on the wheel? We find out flirty zodiac signs ranked and their characteristic traits.

The flirtiest zodiac signs and what makes them so

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Among the flirty zodiac signs, Libra is ranked at the top of the chart — and one can argue with the wall. First of all, this is a Venusian air sign, which has all the right chops to make a great first impression. They are well-spoken, charming and usually boast a great fashion sense. Highly intelligent, they like being liked and might take to pleasing others, making them seem flirtatious.

A weighing scale symbolises them, which indicates that they crave balance. They rarely do well on their own and value partnerships of every kind. Although they seek long-term relationships, that does not stop all the harmless flirting.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

most flirtiest zodiac sign
Image: Courtesy of Anna Selle/Unsplash

Another air sign of the zodiac, Geminis are playful and curious. These qualities make them quite unhinged and experimental when choosing their partners. They also tend to get bored very easily and often are seen vying for attention from multiple love interests.

Represented by the Twins, they symbolise duality in astrology and are ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury. This makes them great at expression, a very useful quality to impress a crush.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Image: Courtesy of Cottonbro Studio/Pexels

A fire sign, Sagittarius is known for its wild adventurous spirit. Nothing is off-limits for them and can go to crazy lengths to impress their partner. They love freedom and have the potential to push the boundaries even in their personal life.

If they like someone, they make sure to act on this feeling in the most thrilling and innovative manner.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

The first sign of the zodiac, Aries, is known for its tempestuous and driven nature. Ruled by the planet of aggression and war, Mars, they love to be in control of their love lives and often make the first move. They are also pretty fearless, which makes them typical go-getters. They make sure to love-bomb their way to the hearts of their date! They are also very impulsive and known for grand romantic gestures.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

flirtiest zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of Ron Lach/Pexels

It is unlikely that one would consider a Scorpio to be a charming flirt or counted amongst the most romantic zodiac signs, but their inner traits say otherwise. They are emotionally deep water signs that are known for their intuitive nature, among other signs. Ruled by the planet of destruction and rebirth Pluto, they have a dark disposition but are equally seductive and passionate, which features them among the flirty zodiac signs ranked here.

Once they trust someone, they pamper them with a lot of attention and are loyal and loving in their dealings. They can look into a person’s soul and can make very deep connections in a short time. Flirting for them involves intense eye contact, which can be really attractive to their suitors. This is a hauntingly alluring trait which makes them one of the flirtiest zodiac signs.

(Hero and Featured image: Courtesy of Freestocks/Unsplash)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which zodiac sign flirts the most?
-The air sign Libra is the flirtiest zodiac sign of the lot.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

These are the three most flirtiest sun signs on the zodiac wheel

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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