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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from June 10 – June 16, 2024

You will bring out the best in your partner and your bonds of love are slated to grow stronger, Aries. Besides physical and mental well-being, spiritual growth is also indicated this week, Gemini. You will also enjoy a passionate relationship with your partner. Virgos, you will enjoy stability and harmony with your partner. The storks’ visit is very much on the cards. So, embrace what resonates and let the cosmos illuminate your path with the weekly horoscope for Gemini and other zodiac signs.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Gemini and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Gemini and other zodiac signs from June 10 – June 16, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries sun sign natives might face some misunderstandings at the workplace. Your co-workers might be uncommunicative and dishonest. Some kind of work-related sabotage cannot be ruled out. You need to be careful about the intentions of your colleagues. Businesspersons need to be careful against fraud and theft. Financially things will be as expected but you might incur some losses and thefts. You will lack energy and enthusiasm and feel lethargic this week. It might be an onset of some health issue and it is advised to get a thorough check-up done. You will enjoy a harmonious relationship with your partner. You will bring out the best in your partner and your bonds of love are slated to grow stronger. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and a good time is indicted for conception and childbirth.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus natives will fulfil their targets and attain their professional goals. Your dedication and commitment will win you accolades and you will be suitably rewarded. Businesses will be good and on the increase. Financially, a good week is indicated but the tarot advice is to refrain from investments. Your health might cause some concern but nothing major. You need to address your health issues immediately and not neglect any symptoms lest they escalate into bigger issues. If you are working on improving your ties with your partner, you are likely to be successful. Airing your grievances and an open-hearted discussion will clear a lot of misunderstandings and get you harmony. Remember a lot goes into a relationship and it has to be nurtured. Some strife among family members cannot be ruled out. The advice is to be cautious of what you say to your near and dear ones.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy a favourable outcome workwise. Set realistic expectations and expect realistic results, suggests the Gemini weekly horoscope. Business natives need to set achievable targets and work towards quality rather than quantity. Financially, you will do well but you might feel disappointed because of quixotic goals. You will enjoy good health and feel robust and energetic. You will be full of energy, and positivity. Besides physical and mental well-being, spiritual growth is also indicated. You will have a passionate relationship with your partner. According to the Gemini weekly horoscope, you will enjoy a good relationship not only with your partner but also with family and friends.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer sun sign natives will face stiff competition at work. You will have to work harder to achieve your targets. Your fighting spirit and commitment are commendable, and you will be able to overcome all the obstacles. Businesspeople will have to be accommodating and acquiescent in the business deals. Though this card does not indicate a financial crunch, money will not come easily, and you will have to work harder. Try to focus more on your health. Start valuing your health before sickness comes. Get a thorough check-up done. You might be accident-prone this week and need to be cautious. You need to stay calm and exercise all the patience you can muster. Avoid hurtful exchange of words and try not to escalate things. Try to give space and create a distance till things cool down. The family will be supportive. Taking guidance and support from the elders might help achieve domestic harmony.

Leo weekly horoscope

Some adversity and insecurity at work are indicated, Leo natives. Be careful and pick your way through, as some obstacles might just make things slip out of your hand and mess up the outcome. At times, things might not work out, but constant efforts should be on. Business natives will face some losses as cancellation of projects is a possibility. Cater and prepare well for the lack of funds. Your efforts towards your health goals will reap rich dividends and you will enjoy good health. You will feel energetic and full of life. It is a good week to lose weight or bodybuild. This card also indicates spiritual growth. You will share a positive relationship with your partner. Your bonds will strengthen and you will enjoy good carnal pleasures. Work towards improving your relationships, and strengthening all relationship bonds.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Your work ethic and conduct should be impeccable as you are being watched and assessed, Virgos. You must focus on your goals with full concentration. This card indicates you might discover your true calling in terms of your career and a change is indicated. Business natives are likely to change the nature of the work. Follow your intuition and you will succeed. Financially you need to be alert and make sure all your paperwork is up to date. You are likely to get good returns from past investments. You will enjoy good health, but you will have to put effort towards your well-being, and you will be successful. You will be full of life, romantic and exuberant with your partner and your partner will love it. This card is regarded as a bringer of good news. It can indicate pregnancy, engagements, and marriages in the family. Good bonding with youngsters of the family is indicated.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra sun sign natives are all set to enjoy the fruits of their toil. You will get a breather and will enjoy your success and appreciation. The advice is not to lax as you are almost there. Business natives will enjoy success. The advice is to foster inner strength, learn from your mistakes, and start with renewed vigour. Financially, the graph will be going up at a steady pace and you will be comfortable with your money. Focus on maintaining good health. You might lack time, but you need to work towards maintaining a healthy regime. You will face some challenging times in your relationship. Do not let your egos ruin what you have. Hard work is not only required towards your profession but personally also. Try to increase intimacy and bonding with your partner. The family might be very demanding and you need to strike a balance. Children or youngsters might need some guidance and advice.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio sun sign natives will have to make some major positive decisions relating to work this week. Change of job is a big possibility but the advice is not to be impulsive. Think carefully about all the aspects before arriving at a decision. Businesspeople might make a commercial collaboration which will be beneficial. Good gains and profits are expected. You will enjoy good health this week. You will enjoy positivity in your relationships and your bonhomie with your partner is all set to increase. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and strengthen your bonds of love. Any acrimony from the past will get sorted out and family life will be good and harmonious.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius sun sign natives will be confused and in two minds regarding their work. You will be at a crossroads trying to make the best choice from the options at work. You need to introspect and see what you want. Good remuneration is not the only criterion, job satisfaction is equally important. Business natives need to be more conscious about the quality of work rather than just numbers. Finances will be as expected. Some past investments will yield good returns. You will be working to improve your health and whatever efforts you are putting in towards that will yield good results.  You need to keep up your efforts to maintain and enjoy your good health. You might feel claustrophobic in your relationship with your partner. You need to find healthy solutions. Set some base rules, communicate frankly with your partner, and convey your likes and dislikes. Try to do different things or just do them differently.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn natives might be hurting and losing opportunities in their careers. You need to be ready to grab all opportunities. It is a good time to upscale your skills and be better equipped to handle further challenges. Businesspeople need to be more alert and should not let the opportunities slip. Finances will be okay. You need to start saving and investing more. You will experience some ups and downs in health. Try not to delay any medical attention or procedure. Take a second opinion for sure. If recuperating from an illness or surgery, it will take a long for you to recover. You will be overburdened with other responsibilities and might not have the time or inclination towards your relationships. Sharing often lightens the load. You need to share your worries with your partner.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius sun sign natives will be bored of office monotony. You might like to change your job or even a change of place is a possibility. Businesspeople might be tempted to change the line of work. Both are advised to think carefully before making the decision. Finances will be okay. You will be fighting against some health-related issues. You will enjoy security and stability in your relationship. Try to give space and respect to your partner. It is a good time to make happy memories together. Elders might be overbearing but you need to be patient with them.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces sun sign natives will achieve good progress at work. You will be exceptionally motivated to achieve, and the cards foretell success. Use this favour from the universe to the best of your ability to shape and advance your career. Businesses are all set to increase. You might add new ventures to the existing ones. The finances will be excellent. Some charity is advisable. Some neglect towards health might escalate. Start with a healthy diet plan and some daily dose of exercise. Take your medication regularly. You might be accident-prone this week and need to be cautious. Your overemotional behaviour and mawkishness might create some issues in your relationship. You need to take control even if you have been through a traumatic experience lately. The family will be supportive.

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The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: Astrological predictions from June 10 – June 16, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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