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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: A tarot reading of May 13 – May 19, 2024

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Taurus natives are in for a promotion, suggests our May weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the May weekly horoscope for Taurus and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Taurus and other zodiac signs from May 13 – May 19, 2024

Aries May weekly horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Career and Finance: Page of Wands Reversed indicates that you have big ideas but lack the enthusiasm and drive. Nothing in life comes easily. You will have to focus and work hard if you want to fulfil your ambitions. Business natives need to be alert. Finances will be less than expected.

Health: King of Wands Reversed is the health card indicating that you are not being kind to yourself. You are heading for a burnout work towards reducing your stress levels and work towards a fitness regime. Eat a healthy diet to increase your immunity.

Relationships: Six of Cups the relationship card indicates that you will nurture your relationship and relive the memories of the past to strengthen the bonds of love and camaraderie. This card generally denotes happiness with your partner but at times it indicates the re-entry of a past lover in your life. The advice is to not let the past spoil things in the present. Family life will be good.

Taurus May weekly horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Career and Finance: Six of Pentacles indicates that you will be appreciated at work and your suggestions will be valued greatly. You are in for a promotion or you might just land a job you always wanted. Business natives will be flooded with work and appreciation. Financially, it’s a very good time, suggests Taurus May weekly horoscope. Good bonuses and profits along with good rewards from past investments are indicated.

Health: Seven of Wands Reversed card indicates lethargy and lack of energy. You need to work on building your stamina and immunity and take out time for self-care, suggests Taurus May weekly horoscope. This is not a good omen if you are recuperating. It might take longer to recover.

Relationships: The Chariot is the relationship card indicating that you need to put in some effort towards your relationships. You might have been through a rough patch lately and are trying to put the memories behind you. Focus on improved communication and work towards intimacy. Family life will require extra effort if you want domestic peace, suggests Taurus May weekly horoscope.

Gemini May weekly horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Career and Finance: The Moon card indicates a lack of creativity. Do not rely too much on your colleagues. This card points towards jeopardy in your career by a colleague. If looking for a job change, think carefully as you should be sure of what you are getting into. Business natives need to be vigilant against cheating and theft. Finances will be the same and there’ll be no major changes.

Health: Hanged Man Reversed indicates that you are facing some issues in life which are not directly related to health, but causing stress and making you feel dull and lethargic. Physical exercises and positive manifestation will help.

Relationships: Queen of Swords Reversed indicates strife among partners. Give space and work towards strengthening the bonds of love. You need to work towards improving the in-between-the-sheets pleasures and having better communication. Family members might be a little distant and you need to work towards strengthening your bonds and nurturing friendships.

Cancer May weekly horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Career and Finance: Page of Cups Reversed indicates a setback at work. You might not get the promotion you were hoping for or the job change you were hoping for might not materialise. Business natives might face some setbacks in business. On the financial front, be wise with your money.

Health: Eight of Swords can indicate anxieties and stress-related problems. It can sometimes indicate eye infections and related issues. If you are trying to lose weight, this card is a good omen. It shows success.

Relationships: The Devil is the relationship card indicating unhealthy co-dependence on your partner. Space is very important in all relationships and you and your partner should follow your respective interests. At times, it indicates an over-jealous partner. It might show a lack of love and bonding between family members.

Leo May weekly horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Career and Finance: Four of PentaclesReversed is the card for the week for Leo sun sign natives, indicating that you need to exert caution at work. Small lapses and errors might spoil things for you. You will have to work hard, smart, and diligently to reach your goals. Businesspeople need to be cautious against thefts and cheating. You might lose some money this month. It is advised to avoid reckless spending and investing.

Health: The Fool is the health card for the week indicating robust health. You will be full of energy and vitality. The only thing you need to be mindful of is to utilise it positively and in a constructive manner. Yoga and meditation are good options this week.

Relationships: Seven of Swords, the relationship card generally denotes betrayal, not necessarily infidelity, but some deception is indicated. Be judicious in relationships. Do not get carried away with sweet talks and start sharing your problems and concerns with everyone. Value your family. They will always have your best interest at heart.

Virgo May weekly horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Career and Finance: The Three of Cups card is a celebration card indicating success. Promotion is on the cards. Your superiors will be lavish with their praise, and you will be in a happy space. Business people launching a new product or project you will be celebrating the outcome. Financially good time increments and profits indicated a good time to invest and grow your money and good returns from investments indicated.

Health: Nine of Cups indicates all-around satisfaction. You will enjoy good health. You will feel very energetic and robust.

Relationships: Two of Pentacles the relationship card indicates that you need balance in your relationships. Some neglect towards your loved ones is indicated. The family will be supportive, but you need to be frank with them about any financial issues.

Libra May weekly horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Career and Finance: Four of Cups Reversed card foretells that you need inspiration at work. Discard lethargy and move ahead with gusto. There is a lot of potential and you need to put in your best. Finances are good. It is wise to save but you are being too tight-fisted. Spend where it is needed. Investments will yield good dividends.

Health: Ace of Cups Reversed denotes suppressed emotions. If something is bothering you, speak to your loved ones about it. Sharing halves the burden. A good exercise regime will do you loads of good.

Relationships: Five of Swords is the relationship card. It is not a very positive indicator of relationship issues. Differences of opinions, disagreements, and misunderstandings are denoted by this card. Deception and cheating cannot be ruled out. Communicate well with your family members. Do not keep them in the dark.

Scorpio May weekly horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Career and Finance: Wheel of Fortune is the tarot card for this week indicating positive changes at work, new opportunities will come your way and obstacles if any at work will be removed. A job change cannot be ruled out. Businesses will prosper and you are likely to increase your work. Financially you will do well and some dividends from the past investments will make you very comfortable. The expenses might skyrocket and you will do well to be judicious.

Health: Three of Pentacles is the health card indicating good health. You will be full of energy and vigour. Any health goals you set for yourself will be realised. The advice is to keep up the good work and not lax.

Relationships: Six of Wands the relationship card for the week indicates a good equation with your partner. This is the victory card indicating a harmonious and pleasant time and good intimacy. Family life will be satisfying and fulfilling.

Sagittarius May weekly horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Career and Finance: Six of Swords card indicates that you are in the process of settling down at work after an unsettling phase. This card can also indicate better job prospects. Lots of work-related travel is indicated. Financially, the situation is likely to ease out and things will get better from here.

Health: Knight of Cups, the health card indicates robust health. You are conscious about your health and work diligently towards the upkeep. Any past health issues are likely to settle down.

Relationships: Temperance is the relationship card. It indicates a good relationship with a perfect balance of love, respect, and intimacy. If you have had any relationship issues in the past, they are likely to get settled and you will enjoy domestic bliss. You will have a good equation with the elders and youngsters.

Capricorn May weekly horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Career and Finance: Four of Swords indicate overwork and pressure. It is good to give your best and put your heart and soul into work. However, work is not everything. There is much more to life than just work. Business natives will be overworked and overloaded with commitments. The advice is to only bite what you can comfortably chew. Your monetary situation will be good and satisfactory.

Health: Knight of Pentacles is indicative of good health but suggests a sedentary lifestyle at the moment. Physical exercise is a must and you should include some outdoor activities in your daily regime.

Relationships: Page of Pentacles Reversed is the relationship card that is indicative of something that is amiss in your equation with your partner. Break the routine, do interesting things together, and pay more attention to the physical needs of your partner. Family bonding will be lacking. You need to work towards a better bonhomie, especially with the children and youngsters.

Aquarius May weekly horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Career and Finance: Lovers Reversed indicates some discord at work. It could indicate problems in a corporate alliance, a severance of collaboration or at times some disagreements amongst workers. Businesses in partnership might get adversely affected and you need to be extremely careful and sensitive towards your partner’s viewpoint. Finances will be average.

Health: Ace of Wands Reversed card indicates some health issues. It is a good time for a check-up. Do not ignore any symptoms. Pregnant women need to be careful and not take any risks. You need to be vigilant against accidents.

Relationships: The Empress is an indicator of love and abundance. You will enjoy marital bliss. Couples will enjoy each other’s attention and will enjoy intimacy and carnal pleasures. If planning a child, this is the best time for fertility and conception. Familial bonds will be good.

Pisces May weekly horoscope (20 Feb – 20 Mar)

Career and Finance: Ten of Cups Reversed signifies arguments and disagreements at work. Some conflicts of ideas and differences of opinions are indicated. The Tarot advice is to respect the decision of your seniors. Take care of your finances. A lot of extra expenses are likely to occur this week.

Health: Three of Pentacles is the health card indicating your efforts towards your health goals are bearing fruit. You are more or less achieving your health targets. Keep doing the good work as your health is the best investment.

Relationships: Star is the relationship card for this week indicating a good bonding between couples. This card shows that all the strife of the past will be sorted, and you will move ahead with renewed vigour. You will share good intimacy and there will be a lot of peace and harmony at home. Family will love the extra attention and you will share a good bond with all the members.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Billion Photos/Shutterstock

This article first appeared here

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope for zodiac signs: A tarot reading of May 13 – May 19, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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