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May horoscope 2024 for all zodiac signs: Know all about career, health and relationships

The largest and most benefic of all planets, Jupiter will enter the zodiac sign Taurus on 1 May and is likely to stay here till 14 May 2025. This is a big astrological event. Taurus is a sign owned by Venus, and the connection of the two most benefic planets translates into an auspicious time especially when it comes to money. This movement is all set to invigorate the lives of some zodiac signs and create mayhem for some. Read to know the May horoscope 2024 for all the zodiac signs.

This movement is all set to invigorate the lives of some zodiac signs and create mayhem for some. The king of the solar system – the Sun will combust Jupiter on 7 May before it moves to Taurus on 14 May. Venus will also move to Taurus. This would be a bad time for lovers as marriages are prohibited during this time. Natives in general are likely to re-examine their romantic decisions. Mercury moves to Aries on 10 May in direct motion.

The New Moon on 8 May and the Full Moon on 23 May are good days to cleanse and purify your soul.

May 2024 Horoscope: Monthly predictions for all zodiac signs

Aries May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Aries sun sign natives will be full of enthusiasm, and all charged up to excel in their professional endeavours. The second half of the month will see the natives get promotions in jobs. Business natives are all set to grow their work, second half of the month will get a lot of success and be ready to grasp all the opportunities. A good inflow of money is indicated but your expenses will be phenomenal.

Health: The first fortnight might see some ups and downs in your health. You might face some eye-related issues and a near and dear one might need medical attention. Some sleeplessness and anxiety are indicated.

Relationships: Love and romance are likely to take a back seat with so much happening around. Your partner will feel neglected but will be understanding. The rigmarole of taking care of the family might leave you exhausted but strengthen your bonds of love.

Remedy: Offer water to the rising sun.

Taurus May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Taurus sun sign natives will start the month on an average note career-wise but as the month progresses new options will open up for you and you will enjoy fame and prosperity. Business natives will hit the jackpot after the first half of the month. Their businesses are all set to expand and grow at a fast pace. Finances will keep going up as the month advances. You will enjoy abundance and luxury and make some wise investments.

Health: You will undergo some anxiety and stress in the first half of the month thus making you sleep-deprived. You will feel relaxed as the month advances and the advice is to focus on self-care.

Relationships: The month will begin with some disagreements, but things will settle down miraculously and you will share a harmonious relationship thereafter, with your partner. This is a good time if you want to increase the family. You will share a good rapport with the elders in the family.

Remedy: Use white bed linen while sleeping.

Gemini May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Gemini sun sign natives will have a month full of opportunities you will be a shining star at work, and natives in jobs will be the favourites with the bosses and are all set to gain in position and money. Business natives will have an abundance of work and you need to organise yourself well to reap rich dividends. You might get some inheritance and your bread will be buttered from both sides.

Health: Some stomach-related issues might bother you in the initial week of the month. You need to be extra careful with your eating and drinking habits.

Relationships: The month will start on a good note. You will enjoy a good bonhomie with your partner, but the second half of the month will see some conflict and disharmony. You will share a good bond with the elders of the family, but you might have some differences with the children and youngsters. Natives desirous of marriage will have to hold on for some time.

Remedy: Water green plants every day.

Cancer May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: According to May Horoscope 2024, Cancer sun sign natives will start the month with some challenges, and you will need to muster all your resilience to overcome the problems at work. Business natives might be under the scanner of the authorities. Keep your books and paperwork in order. The latter part of the month will resolve all issues and you will progress. Financially, a good month is indicated but be judicious with your money and do not make any ambitious investments this month.

Health: You might undergo some anxiety and depression in the first half of the month and feel underconfident. Focus on being positive and calm. Yoga and meditation will do you good. The second fortnight will get you peace.

Relationships: You will enjoy peace and harmony this entire month with your partner. It is a good time for love and romance. Singles are likely to find their soulmates. The transit is perfect for those who want to tie the knot. Youngsters and children will be a source of joy.

Remedy: Have a glass of water as soon as you wake up.

Leo May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Leo sun sign natives will undergo major changes relating to career and finance. You might face some uncertainty early in the month, but things will settle amicably and positively for you. A job change is foretold. Businesses will progress well but partnerships may face some problems. Financially, you will be comfortable with money coming in from earnings and past investments. You are likely to buy a new vehicle and also a new house.

Health: Health issues will bother you early in the month. There is likelihood of a surgery, but the good news is your health will improve considerably after mid-month.

Relationships: You will enjoy an average routine relationship with your partner but some misunderstanding with the partner’s family might cause some friction. The second fortnight will see you enjoying domestic harmony. You are likely to enjoy a good bonding with the elders in the family. Some differences with the youngsters in the latter part of the month might upset you.

Remedy: Light a white candle to manifest health and peace.

Virgo May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Virgo natives will see the twist of fate suddenly this month. Pending issues will get sorted out, things will fall into place, and you will be an achiever. You will enjoy a good reputation at work and your colleagues will look up to you. You will be at your creative best but the advice is not to over-commit yourself. Business natives should focus more on the quality of work rather than the quantity. Finances will be good some profitable returns are expected.

Health: Health might be a bother in the first fortnight as some cold, cough and fever might pull you down a bit but you will bounce back with renewed vigour and for the rest of the month you will enjoy robust health.

Relationships: The first fortnight you need to be very careful with your words lest you hurt your partner. You need to have patience and perseverance and work towards maintaining harmony. The second half of the month will see your relationship getting better but do not expect much.  will share a good bond with your family and as the month progresses your ties will strengthen.

Remedy: Feed whole grains to the birds for a better understanding of relationships.

Libra May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Libra natives need to embrace the obstacles and use them as a learning lesson for future. Your speech will be your biggest asset as well as your biggest liability. Be careful with your words lest it creates misunderstandings.

Health: You will experience robust health in the beginning of the month. You will be full of enthusiasm and vitality but in the second fortnight, you are likely to suffer from some viral infections.

Relationships: This month will lack warmth and understanding when it comes to relationships this month. Communicate patiently with your loved ones and try to strengthen your bonds of love. The family will be distant. Work towards affability in relationships.

Remedy: Doing charity in women’s welfare will strengthen your relationships.

Scorpio May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Scorpio will be one of the lucky zodiac signs this month. The natives will enjoy a top-notch career. Any dissatisfaction related to work will disappear and you will enjoy fame. You are likely to win an award or appreciation and will be remunerated suitably for your hard work and dedication. Business natives should pull up their socks and get ready to work hard as there will be a lot of projects and orders. Your cash inflow will increase and there will be good returns on your investment, suggests May Horoscope 2024.

Health: You will be in the pink of health, but you need to focus on keeping fit. Do not lax on your health goals and schedules.

Relationships: Scorpios are likely to enjoy a good bond with their significant other. You will experience stability and more understanding in your relationship with your partner. You will have a good time with your friends and make new connections. Your relationship with the elders will be smooth and close. The youngsters in the family will be a cause of concern, suggests May Horoscope 2024.

Remedy: Light a yellow candle to manifest prosperity.

Sagittarius May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Sagittarius sun sign natives will be in a status quo in their field of work. After the first two weeks, the situation will change, and you will be motivated to perform. Lots of opportunities will come your way. The advice is not to be over adventurous and to think carefully before getting into something. Business natives will annihilate all their competitors and grab good projects in the middle of the month. Finances will be good but invest carefully.

Health: You will enjoy good health after a rocky start to the month.

Relationships: Relationships might not be smooth this month. You will have a hot and cold equation with your partner. You will have to work hard to dissolve the acrimony and move ahead positively. You will have a good time with your siblings and friends but your relationship with the elders might be compromised a bit.

Remedy: Donation of books will be beneficial for your career.

Capricorn May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Capricorn natives will enjoy success and unexpected gains. A good position at the place of work and a good salary especially in the first half of the month are indicated. Students will come out with flying colours. Businesses will flourish. The advice is to only bite what you can chew. Financially, a good month is indicated but expenses will rise as well.

Health: You are likely to enjoy good health and feel energetic and over-enthusiastic towards life. You will enjoy good mental as well as physical health, but you will have to put effort towards it.

Relationships: If you make a little effort towards smoothing the creases in relationships, you will have an ideal month. You will share a good bonhomie with your partner and have a good time entertaining and socialising with friends. Stay adaptable and patient towards the seniors.

Remedy: Donate at an old age home to enjoy bonhomie with seniors.

Aquarius May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Aquarius sun sign natives will ace professionally. You will win accolades and your colleagues will be in awe of you. Your seniors will be very appreciative of your hard work and achievements. Business natives will be flooded with work but you need to be choosy as to deliver the best. Financially, a good month is indicated. You will be indulging yourself in some luxury items. It is good to pamper yourself but cut your coat according to your cloth.

Health: You will enjoy good health but be alert towards your family’s health as well. Meditation will be good for you.

Relationships: Aquarius sun sign natives will enjoy an average relationship with their partner. Take some steps and new initiatives to add some peppiness to your life. Your family will be very satisfied.

Remedy: Seek the blessings of elders as it can change your destiny.

Pisces May 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Pisces sun sign natives are likely to have an average start. The enthusiasm towards work will be lacking. The work-life might be routine and morbid, however, this phase will not last for long because as soon as the third week of May starts, there will be a lot of excitement with new projects coming your way. Business natives will have a dull start and later in the month, there will be some exciting work which will get you good returns. Financially, you will enjoy success and in the latter part of the month, you might receive money from some additional source.

Health: The month will start with some ear nose and throat allergies. You will enjoy good health and be full of vitality in the latter part of the month, suggests May Horoscope 2024.

Relationships: You might have to work towards your relationships with your partner. It is time to reset and refresh the equations. You will enjoy and bond well with friends and family.

Remedy: Put yellow-coloured fresh flowers at home for improved relationships.

This article first appeared here

Hero Image: Good Studio/Shutterstock; Featured Image: Courtesy Victoria Bat/Shutterstock

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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May horoscope 2024 for all zodiac signs: Know all about career, health and relationships

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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