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LSA Weekly horoscope for zodiac signs: A tarot reading of April 22 – April 28, 2024

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Taurus will enjoy robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Taurus and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Cancer and other zodiac signs from Apr 22 – Apr 28, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hanged Man indicates you are in an unhappy spot regarding your career which is stagnant, and you are confused. The advice is to relax and take it easy. For business natives, there might be some hiccups. Finances will be average.

Health: The Hierophant Reversed indicates you are getting too bothered by small things. Give your body the healing time and do not rush to the doctors at the slightest of problems. Try a holistic approach and work towards building your immunity.

Relationships: The Moon Reversed indicates certain things which you have been ignoring about your relationship will come to light. You will have to make efforts and set different equations to move ahead. With family, some suppressed issues will resurface, and you will have to tackle and sort out things.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Fool Reversed indicates good opportunities coming your way. You have the potential and capability to utilise them well, but some lethargy and ineptitude is indicated. You need to concentrate on your performance. Business natives are forewarned to be alert in the execution of their work. Money will be average use your money carefully and judiciously.

Health: Six of Wands is a good card to get in any reading. This card indicates good health and is considered a victory card. You will achieve your health targets with ease. Your health issues will vanish if there are any, to begin with.

Relationships: Lovers is the relationship card that shows affection and trust between partners. This card is indicative of good understanding and good intimacy among couples. This card represents pure love and great camaraderie with family members.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles indicates a lot of commitment and dedication at work. You are likely to get some awards and appreciation. Business natives will have a successful collaboration. You might invest a lot to acquire new skills and procure new equipment.

Health: Ace of Pentacles indicates that this is a good time to implement some lifestyle changes to improve your health. Focus on healthy eating and exercising.

Relationships: The Knight of Pentacles indicates a stable and committed relationship. You are likely to work hard towards providing a better life to your partner and deepening the bonds. You will enjoy good intimacy with your partner. You will have a good familial bond as well.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Justice Reversed indicates that you are not getting your dues at work. Despite putting in better than the best of your time and effort, your rewards and remunerations are less than expected. Business natives need to shelve their plans to expand at the moment. Do not get disheartened, remember hard work always pays. Be careful with your money and investments, suggests the Cancer weekly horoscope.

Health: Empress, the health card indicates good health. According to Cancer’s weekly horoscope, you will be enthusiastic and full of energy. This is a fertility card and hence natives desirous of having children will have the stock visiting soon.

Relationships: Six of Cups is a good card for relationships. It indicates memories and nostalgia from the past. You might go down memory lane and appreciate each other more. You will remember family times with fondness and get closer to them, suggests Cancer’s weekly horoscope.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Knight of Wands indicates that you will be full of energy and will be ready to accept any challenge – be it a more responsible job in the same organisation or a change. This card shows impulsiveness. Therefore, the advice is to think carefully before making a switch. Business natives will have a lot of plans to implement but again the advice is to go slow. Travel-related work is indicated. Finances will be good, and you might be in a rush to make investments but go slow.

Health: Ace of PentaclesReversed is the health card indicating no forethought has been put towards maintaining and improving your health goals. You need to pull up your socks and focus on a healthy regime. It is not a good card for recoveries.

Relationships: Four of Cups Reversed indicates that you have not been in a good relationship but now you will be working hard towards improving it. Your partner will be receptive and reciprocate wholeheartedly and your domestic harmony graph is all set to move up. You are likely to work towards a better sex life as well. You will enjoy good familial bonds.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Knight of Swords card shows high ambitions and drive. This card is indicative of big plans without commitments. Business natives will have to work hard to put their expansion plans into being. Finances will be good but do not be in a hurry to amass wealth. Slow and steady wins the race.

Health: Queen of Cups Reversed indicates some emotional upheavals. Work on self-care as ups and downs are part of life. However, nothing is worth spoiling your health for. Pregnant women need to be careful as this card indicates miscarriages at times.

Relationships: Eight of Swords does not indicate a great relationship. You might feel trapped and ignored. Remember your happiness is in your hands. Take corrective measures and maintain positivity in your relationship.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles Reversed indicates a lack of dedication and commitment. It can also indicate a lack of cooperation from team members. Business natives need to be vigilant as some strife indicates between partners and co-workers. Financial indications are not very positive, control your expenses and do not lend money.

Health: King of Wands is the health card for this week indicating good health. Try to be disciplined towards your physical exercise regime and maintain a balanced diet. Learn to relax and enjoy.

Relationships: The Chariot is the relationship card indicating good bonhomie among partners but a forewarning that balance in your relationship is quite important. You need to spend time and make an effort towards a healthy relationship. Pamper your partner. You might not meet your family very often, but the bonds will be strong.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Page of Swords Reversed indicates some missed opportunities. You need to clear your head and decide what you want. Balance your dreams and reality. Business natives need to be careful of the choices they make regarding work. Finances will be good, and you will think of some major investments.

Health: Nine of Pentacles indicates robust health and vitality. You will exercise and eat healthy food. The advice is to keep up the good work. It is a good card for fertility and pregnancy.

Relationships: Seven of Wands indicates challenges in your relationship. You need to work towards achieving peace and harmony on the domestic front. Matters of the heart are complicated and you will go through ups and downs to smoothen the creased lines with love, care, and intimacy.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Cups indicates distractions relating to your work. You might have a lot of things which need your attention. You need to streamline and prioritise your schedule. Business natives need to focus on the quality of their produce. Finances will be good, and you might get a new opportunity to increase your financial standing.

Health: Tower is the health card for you. It indicates a sudden onset of illness. Get some health check-ups done. It can also indicate accidents and the tarot advice is to be careful while driving and otherwise. Some bereavement in the family cannot be ruled out.

Relationships: Ace of Cups, the relationship card indicates happiness and satisfaction in a relationship. Couples will bond well and share good intimacy. This can indicate the growth of the family, the marriage of a near or dear one or childbirth. This card is a good indicator of love and romance. Familial bonds will be good you are likely to celebrate some event together.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates good work but this card Indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work as well. Some obstructions and delays are indicated. Business natives need to be more enthusiastic and creative and plan new strategies. Finances will be status quo and you will be keen to make investments.

Health: Hermit is your health card. It indicates you need to go in for a health check-up. If already under treatment, it is suggested to take a second opinion.

Relationships: Queen of Swords Reversed is indicative of some past grudges. Life is too short to hold on to the past. Just focus on the present, have a frank and open discussion and solve all the issues amicably. Drop all the grudges.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Temperance card suggests you need to balance between planning and action. Business natives should set realistic and achievable goals. You need a balance between your professional and personal life. Good finances are indicated. Some investments from the past will reap good returns.

Health: Page of Swords is your health card for this week. Your health will be average. Small issues might bother you, but you will be full of energy.

Relationships: The Devil is your relationship card. It indicates that you need to discard your ego and not hurt your near and dear ones. Nurture your relationships and pay attention to the carnal pleasures. Take special care of the elders.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Justice card indicates that your hard work will be rewarded. This card urges you to be dedicated and honest at work. Business natives need to be careful of their paperwork and tax-related issues. Finances will be good.

Health: King of Pentacles shows stable health. This card shows stability in your health, and you nurture it by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Relationships: Two of Swords Reversed indicates some emotional struggle between couples. It is advised to address and be frank with your partner about your insecurities. This card can also indicate harbouring past grudges which is the biggest deterrent in any relationship. Let bygones be bygones Be kind towards the family.

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The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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LSA Weekly horoscope for zodiac signs: A tarot reading of April 22 – April 28, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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