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Mars in Aries in 2024: What does this powerful transit mean for your zodiac sign

Here is a message to all the zodiacs for the next month: Get ready for all things powerful, intense and dramatic for the planet of drive and aggression, Mars, has transited in fiery Aries. If your sun sign has been waiting patiently in the wings for a long time, this is your time to shine and chase your dreams! Here is the Mars transit in Aries 2024 horoscope for your sign.

Mars in Aries 2024: Why should we pay attention to this astrological event?

When the planet of passion, Mars, visits the house of Aries, it brings out all the inner desires and warrior spirit of this cardinal fire sign symbolised by the ram to the fore. This year, Mars entered Aries on 30 April and shall remain there until 9 June. Though this period will be especially important for the ram, other sun signs will experience anger, sexual drive, ambition and restless energy. They would want to break free during the period dominated by Mars in Aries.

How the Martian transit will affect all zodiac signs

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

mars transit in aries 2024,
Mars. Image: Courtesy of Planet Volumes/Unsplash

Those with the ram as their sun or rising sign will have to maintain a tight walk between their ambitions and impatience to achieve those. This is a perfect time for them to manifest, but they should also be careful to not get too carried away by their impulses. They need to keep their infamous temper in check so they do not unnecessarily drain their energy and move away from their goals.

They should make a detailed plan to achieve their desires and be unafraid when it comes to prioritising themselves during this time dominated by their ruling planet.

Know about all the zodiac signs and their ruling planets

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

The usually high-energy Mars takes a restful dive into the Venusian earth sign of Taurus. This transition should be used to take some much-needed rest from social obligations to do things that matter and make you feel rested and at peace. This sign represented by a celestial bull should focus on pursuing leisure activities that they value so much.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

This curious social butterfly of the zodiac, Gemini, will be on the precipice of becoming famous during this transit. This outgoing sign will be motivated to tap into their extroverted side and mingle freely. The only advice for them is to choose their company wisely and be extra careful in maintaining their composure during this period.

This air sign likes to be liked, and any tantrum or overreaction under the influence of Mars might sour their relationships.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

mars transit in aries 2024,
Image: Courtesy of Jakub Pabis/Unsplash

This emotional water sign will reserve their energies for work and would crave financial stability. They will feel extremely ambitious towards achieving their professional goals, which is a bit out-of-character for them. However, this renewed sense of ambition will make them a bit competitive, which is not good for them. They should be mindful of focusing on their own life and not let feelings of jealousy creep in.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

The Mars transit in Aries of 2024 brings in the promise of expansion, travel and exploration for this royal fire sign of fixed modality. There will be many opportunities to grow for these hot-headed but generous zodiac signs as Mars moves into its fellow fire sign Aries. They should make the most of this and take some time off to find their core selves.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

This routine-loving, punctual and introverted earth sign will be more concerned about their relationships and personal life during this period. This is a make-or-break period for them, as they will negotiate their equations with loved ones and maybe let go of certain connections which no longer serve them.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Libra is a non-confrontational, intelligent and balance-seeking sign ruled by the planet of love and money, Venus. They value their partnerships a great deal, and the Mars in Aries transit in 2024 directly affects this sector of their lives. They will be their peak romantic selves during this time, as their ambers of passion will be fired, thanks to the Martian influence in Aries.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

This intense water sign needs to be extra careful because this transit could lead them into some unpleasant situations. They are also prone to physical injury this month. Hence, they should tread cautiously and always be on guard.

Sagittarius (22 November– 21 December)

This is a great time for this adventurous fire sign symbolised by the archer. They will be propelled to dive into a romantic relationship or be a part of an exciting project at work. The possibilities of them doing some inspired and passionate work are limitless.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

mars in aries 2024
Image: Courtesy of Micky White/Unsplash

This last earth sign denoted by a sea goat might feel a bit stressed during this time. They are likely to face problems navigating their interpersonal relationships, but on a positive note, they will most definitely get into fitness and start a journey towards leading a healthy lifestyle.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Aquarius, who are generally quite reticent and focused on doing acts for the greater good, will engage more with people and would be inspired to win popularity contests amongst their peers. They should not get into a rat race and just lean into their true selves. It is recommended that they avoid making rash decisions.

Pisces (19 February– 20 March)

Pisceans will have exceptional luck on the work front. They will also be rewarded with bonus cheques and incentives. It is recommended that they take care of their finances and fight an impulse to spend spontaneously.

Dos and don’ts for zodiacs to follow during the Mars in Aries transit in 2024

-All zodiacs should fight the urge to act impulsively and make rash decisions.

-The influence of Mars in Aries could propel all zodiacs to become confrontational and lose patience with their loved ones. They should be aware of this and tread carefully, choosing battles they want to fight with care.

-All signs need to make a detailed plan to achieve their goals.

-The key to making the best out of this period is to remain calm.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of  Shay Wood/Pexels)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

Mars in Aries in 2024: What does this powerful transit mean for your zodiac sign

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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