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Harry or Hermoine: Which Harry Potter character are you based on your zodiac sign?

It is safe to say that the Harry Potter books and movies brought a revolution to today’s pop culture landscape. A Holy Grail in fantasy fiction for the 90s kids, the author J.K. Rowling awakened the generation to the world of magic and created a legacy. This is why Harry Potter still has a great recall value and is relevant to Gen Z and Alpha. Its well-fleshed-out characters, including Severus Snape, Ginny Weasley, Lily Potter and Arthur Weasley, have been etched in our collective memories. Won’t it be fun to guess their sun signs according to their key characteristics and qualities? Here is our take on Harry Potter characters and their potential zodiac signs.

Which Harry Potter character are you according to your zodiac sign?

According to the book, Rowling created the characters by assigning them particular dates of birth. However, one’s zodiac sign is determined not just by that but also by taking their rising or ascendant and moon signs into account. This is our take on some of the most famous Harry Potter characters and their zodiac signs, purely based on their inner worlds shaping up their unique characteristics displayed throughout the series.

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Aries – Fred & George Weasley

Harry Potter characters
Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

Mischievous, fun-loving and bona fide hell-raisers: the Weasley twins spelt trouble to their parents while growing up. Most happening brothers of the brood, they were also incredibly kind, and empathetic and displayed qualities of bravery, courage and incredible loyalty towards Harry Potter. Their glorious lives and Fred’s tragic death help fulfil Harry’s prophecy, making them the underrated heroes of the saga.

They display typical Aries traits as they are written as fiery, ambitious, spontaneous and warm-hearted characters. To support this claim, they celebrate their birthday on April Fool’s Day, which is the first of the month! This proves that these Harry Potter characters definitely belong to this fire sign.

Taurus – Rubeus Hagrid

 Harry Potter zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

Taurus is an earth sign which is known for being grounded, stable and nurturing. However, they can be equally stubborn. The loyal ally of Dumbledore and Harry, Hagrid is the gatekeeper of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry. His nature matches perfectly well with the Taurean persona because he is one of the most dependable and strong Harry Potter characters. Usually non-confrontational, he does not actively seek trouble but if unnecessarily meddled with, he is not afraid to fight back for all the right reasons.

Hagrid ran into various controversies during his tenure at Hogwarts because of his love for dangerous magical creatures, but he refused to bow down to pressure and did not give up on his passion. This sincerity and dexterity are typical Taurean traits.

Gemini – Draco Malfoy

harry potter zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

An intelligent air sign, Gemini, is ruled by the planet of communication Mercury. Being enthusiastic, curious and social are their core traits, they also represent duality in the zodiac. They have a lot of opinions and often come across as confused while making major decisions in life. Draco Malfoy is a perfect anti-hero in the Harry Potter series who struggles with choosing between right and wrong. He is often in turmoil, fighting his inner demons and often acts out of his insecurities. He eventually proves to Harry and his friends that his heart is in the right place. His complicated and layered personality is very typical of the characteristics described for this air sign.

Cancer – Dobby

harry potter zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

Dobby the house elf is one of the purest characters in this franchise. His undeniable loyalty towards Harry makes him stand out from his peers. This crustacean water sign is the mother of the zodiac. Ruled by the moon, it is emotional and empathetic to its core. Dobby has devoted his entire life to Potter and is gracious and loving even as he was brutally attacked by Bellatrix Lestrange.

Cancer – Sirius Black

harry potter zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

Another Harry Potter character worth mentioning is the lead character’s godfather, Sirius Black. Despite being born into an aristocratic pure-blood family with an affiliation with the Dark Lord, he chose to go with his heart and support James and Lily Potter against all odds. Just like the Cancerians are ruled by their emotions, Black shows similar qualities in his genuine love towards Harry and constant concern for his well-being.

Leo – Harry Potter

Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

This one is a no-brainer. The heir of Godric Gryffindor himself, the leading man of the series is loyal, brave and large-hearted like a lion. This fire sign is ruled by the sun and is eternally optimistic. They are staunch protectors of their pack and do not shy away from a fight if it means safeguarding their pack. Potter personifies these qualities and is also a natural leader who is self-righteous and strong-minded.

Virgo – Hermoine Granger

Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

An earth sign, Virgos are known for their detail-orientedness, a penchant for perfection and discipline. Hermoine is called the ‘smartest witch of her times’ and she has earned that title thanks to her wits and resourcefulness. But apart from this, she also has a heart of gold as she leads a revolution for the equal rights of elves and goblins. Her commitment towards duty also fits well with a signature trait of this mutable sign.

Libra – Remus Lupin

Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

Charming, worldly and highly likeable, Remus Lupin turns into a werewolf on a full moon night. However, his kinder, human side always supersedes his animalistic tendencies. An air sign, Librans crave balance, and Lupin’s well-rounded personality matches with Libra’s nature. They also thrive well in partnerships. Hence, it is not surprising that he makes a wonderful partner to Nymphadora Tonks and provides solid support to childhood friends and other important Harry Potter characters: James Potter and Sirius Black.

Scorpio – Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter characters
Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

An epitome of pure evil, Voldemort as a villain has attained a cult status in the world of fantasy fiction. He is vengeful, unforgiving and a master manipulator. These are also described as the major flaws of a scorpion personality. Ruled by the planet of destruction and rebirth, Pluto, a Scorpio possesses inherent dark tendencies. They are also intense, passionate ambitious and can hypnotise a person into submission. This is how the Dark Lord created an army of death-eaters and even evoked spirits in the form of inferi. His most dangerous act was splitting his soul into seven parts, called Horcruxes for immortality and total control over the wizarding world. Only this water sign can go to such levels to quench their thirst for power.

Sagittarius – Bellatrix Lestrange

Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

Spontaneous and spunky, Bellatrix is one of Voldemort’s favourite death eaters. A fire sign, Sagittarius, is ruled by the planet Jupiter, symbolising adventure and dynamism. This character displays no fear of consequences and is adequately quirky to be identified as a Sag. She is also pretty unhinged as a person, which is another quality found in this zodiac sign.

Capricorn – Albus Dumbledore

harry potter zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of  Warner Bros/IMDb

Capricorn is the most serious earth sign ruled by the planet of karma and discipline, Saturn. Dumbledore has a childhood trauma and a few regrets which he is aware of and is often seen fighting his karma while also trying to defeat Voldemort. Branded as the ‘most powerful wizard’ of his time, the Hogwarts headmaster is wise, perceptive and forever bound by duty. He sees the larger picture and is relentless in his pursuit to help Harry fulfil his destiny.

Capricorn – Severus Snape

harry potter zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of Warner Bros/IMDb

One of the most well-etched-out characters of the series, Severus Snape or ‘The Half-Blood Prince’ is remembered for his complicated, layered yet pure persona. His love for Lily Potter is the key motivator for his every action and behaviour towards Harry and his friends. His total loyalty towards Dumbledore and responsibility towards his duty to lead Harry towards his ultimate destiny is what makes his character a typical Cap.

Aquarius – Luna Lovegood

Image: Courtesy of Warner Bros/IMDb

Humanitarian and progressive, Aquarians are known for their love for social work. Smart and unconventional, this air sign thinks about others more than themselves. Luna could be described as a wonderfully weird, kind and loving person who is unafraid to embrace her whimsical side. Hence, she is a perfect Aquarian.

Pisces – Ronald Weasley

Image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb

The last sign on the zodiac belongs to the water element and is the kindest, most compassionate of all the sun signs. Ron is Harry’s best friend, a devoted child to his parents and a doting partner to Hermoine. He is kind and a total softie at heart. Despite his struggle with his insecurities, he has always shown up for his family and friends in times of need and prefers living in his world, just like a true blue Pisces.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of © 2001 – Warner Bros/IMDb)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-What is your Harry Potter zodiac sign?
Harry Potter’s zodiac sign is Leo.

-Is Hermione a Libra?
Hermoine’s zodiac is Virgo.

-What zodiac sign does Hagrid Harry Potter belong to?
Hagrid shows the attributes of a Taurus.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

Harry or Hermoine: Which Harry Potter character are you based on your zodiac sign?

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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