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Meditation to yogic sleep: Which wellness ritual best suits your Chinese zodiac sign?

The key to living a good life, as some proponents would enthuse, is striking a balance between maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. In that case, it’s no surprise how self-care rituals are now increasingly popular over social media, ranging from extensive morning routines that involve five or more steps, to meditative sound baths that can be played over YouTube at will. However with such a myriad of choices available, how do you know which wellness ritual suits your needs best? Well, consider letting the stars guide you and find out which is your ideal wellness ritual, based on your Chinese zodiac sign,

It’s time to revisit your wellness rituals if you want to kickstart each day fresh and reinvigorated. Whether it’s clearing your thoughts by journaling, practising yoga to awaken your senses, taking a floral bath to nourish your body or simply sipping herbal tea to charge you up for the day – there’s a wellness ritual tailor-made for each Chinese zodiac sign. Keep reading.

Discover the best wellness rituals for your Chinese zodiac sign

Dragon: Meditation

Zodiac years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

wellness ritual for Chinese zodiac
image credit: Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels

Never shying away from any challenge, you’re extremely career-driven and committed to your goals. So much so, that you don’t think twice about putting your life on the line to fulfill your desires. While there’s no doubting your ability to do everything on your own, this leads to frequent burnout.

Therefore, guided meditation is the best way to combat your stress and anxiety-filled life. It’s the easiest way to lift your spirits after getting worn down by work. Unwind your mind, soothe your soul, and elevate your consciousness with meditation.

Snake: Morning detox drink or green juice

Zodiac years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

wellness ritual for Chinese zodiac
image credit: Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels

Snakes, you’re usually cool, calm, and collected. You don’t bother about society’s perception, leading life on your terms (and enjoying every bit of it). While this carefree nature helps you steer clear of unwanted stress in life, it also leads you to overlook the little things about your well-being.

A part of this includes unabashedly devouring your favourite fast food and drinks, without worrying about your gut health. This is why incorporating a morning detox drink or drinking your greens in the morning is so important. By starting your morning on a healthy note, you don’t have to worry as much about what you eat throughout the day.

Horse: Deep breathing exercises

Zodiac years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

wellness ritual for Chinese zodiac
image credit: Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels

High-spirited, active, energetic – you’re always on the move. Whether it’s chasing a professional ambition, fulfilling duties towards your family/ friends, spending time with your partner or working on yourself – there’s no concept of rest in your everyday life. What happens eventually? You’re always overworked and tired.

Deep breathing exercises help you control and engage with your breath, which helps manage stress and stress-related conditions. Since you’re always occupied with something, sitting down and focusing on your breath is the last thing on your list. Therefore, taking three to five minutes every day for yourself to engage with your breathing patterns will keep you more relaxed and grounded the entire day.

Goat: Maintaining a gratitude journal

Zodiac years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
wellness ritual for Chinese zodiac
image credit: Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels
Goats, your selflessness and perseverance in the face of difficulties make you absolute gems. Relationships are your biggest asset, and you’ll climb every mountain, and swim every ocean to be there for the people you love. Their validation and acceptance mean the world to you. However, this also means you base your self-worth on others’ perception of you, getting caught in a cycle of life’s worries and struggling with a healthy mindset.
So, it’s important to remind yourself of all the great things you have and be more optimistic about life. A gratitude journal is just what you need to establish that. By focusing and penning down all the positives in your life, you steer yourself to greater long-term happiness and general satisfaction.

Monkey: Loving-kindness meditation

Zodiac years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

wellness ritual for Chinese zodiac
image credit: Elina Fairytale/ Pexels

You’re very smart and clever in your endeavours, which also contributes to your arrogant streak. Moreover, it’s difficult for you to digest someone doing better than you in life, bringing your jealousy and competitive spirit to the forefront. While you’re self-assured in more ways than one, others’ opinions get to you at times and leave you feeling insecure.

According to The Qi, practising loving-kindness meditation boosts happiness by helping you feel more connected to your loved ones, acquaintances, and even strangers. Monkeys, this is perfect for you to feel connected to those around you, leaving behind all your insecurity and jealousy for good. This kind of meditation will make your social interactions extremely satisfying.

Rooster: Gut-healthy diet

Zodiac years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

wellness ritual for Chinese zodiac
image credit: Cats Coming/ Pexels

Roosters, you desire a very simple and straightforward life, one where you have a trusted set of friends and family and a career that you love. However, there’s a very sensitive and aggressive side to you that no one dares tap. You get angered when someone tells you to do things a certain way. But well, here we are telling you what’s good for you anyway.

You’re very picky eaters and your meals are often devoid of the much-needed vitamins and minerals. Therefore, fuelling your body with healthy meals as well as gut-healthy drinks like kombucha, organic rose tea, kefir, ginger tea or buttermilk will help you stay more focused and fuelled throughout the day and even keep you more relaxed and collected. Start by incorporating these elements into your breakfast.

Dog: Immunity-building activities

Zodiac years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

wellness ritual for Chinese zodiac
image credit: Big Dodzy/ Unsplash

Dogs, you’re the epitome of all goodness. From being an ideal friend, son and partner to your loved ones to working tirelessly to achieve your professional role – there’s no stopping you. However, your selflessness and ability to help others often leave you anxious and worried inside.

This anxious feeling majorly affects your gut health and you tend to dive into a pattern of unhealthy eating. And because of your hectic work schedules, you don’t get time to reflect on your lifestyle and recharge. Therefore, try to start your day with immunity-boosting activities like yoga, brisk walking, meditation or a healthy breakfast.

Pig: Floral bath

Zodiac years: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

wellness ritual for Chinese zodiac
image credit: Antoni Shkraba/ Pexels

Pigs, symbolise wealth, opulence and all things luxury. You’re not just big talkers who flaunt their talents, but people who follow up their words with actions. Since you’re so caught up in work, building a legacy for the world to know, you tend to forget the concept of work-life balance.

It’s time you start indulging in rejuvenating activities like a relaxing floral bath that’ll wash away all your stress. Make your bath time a place of total relaxation by sprucing it up with your favourite dried flowers, and essential oils, lighting some candles and playing soothing melodies. Make it your bedtime ritual and you’ll see the refreshing effects.

Rat: Writing morning pages

Zodiac years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

rat Chinese zodiac
image credit: Los Muertos Crew/ Pexels

Rats, you’re sociable and intelligent who thrive on creativity. You love being around people and while mostly you’re well-liked by many, there are times when you don’t know what to say and when to say it. You either come across as very blunt or too diplomatic in your dealings.

The best way to hone your communication skills is to practice mindful interaction with yourself. Morning pages are three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. It will help de-clutter your mind, get rid of creative blocks and promote overall personal growth.

Ox: Yogic sleep

Zodiac years: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

ox Chinese zodiac
image credit: Natalie Bond/ Pexels

Oxes, you rarely ask for anyone’s attention yet always grab eyeballs through your consistent hard work and efforts. You’re a true workaholic whose life is guided by pure logic and tireless hustle. Why not give yourself some credit and mellow things down?

The best wellness ritual for your Chinese zodiac sign is yogic sleep or yoga nidra. One of the most relaxing forms of yoga, it involves being led through mental imagery while lying on one’s back. Practice it for 15 minutes every morning and you’ll see the change in your personality.

Tiger: A soothing herbal tea

Zodiac years: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

tiger zodiac wellness ritual
image credit: Mareefe/ Pexels

Always brimming with energy and enthusiasm to take on the world, there’s no concept of rest in your life. You like the hullabaloo of every day, and the moments of silence or being with yourself, drenched in your thoughts scares you. Tigers, you’re prone to insomnia and nighttime is the most difficult part of your day. And without a good night’s sleep, there’s no way you can function at the top of your game.

Therefore, drinking soothing and relaxing herbal teas like Chamomile tea, Lavender tea, Ashwagandha tea, Peppermint tea or Cinnamon tea before bedtime can promote sleep.

Rabbit: Morning cardio

Zodiac years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

rabbit zodiac wellness ritual
image credit: Jonathan Borba/ Unsplash

Rabbits, you’re reserved and thoughtful beings who tread steadily and cautiously in life. You’re often considered too sensitive for the world and struggle to thrive in competitive or aggressive settings. You easily get anxious when put in unfamiliar territory, struggling to create peace and comfort in your mind.

If you want to open up your mind and broaden your horizons to take on life’s challenges more gracefully, we recommend you start fueling your mornings the right way. After all, getting that adrenaline kick right at the beginning of the day will ensure you sail confidently later on. Go for a morning run or swim or play a sport, there’s so much to explore outdoors.

Will you engage in these wellness rituals for your Chinese zodiac sign?

Hero and feature images: Courtesy Shashi Chaturvedula/ Unsplash

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– Why are wellness rituals important?

Wellness rituals are everyday mindful practices that help develop a sense of connection between the self and the body. These rituals nourish your mind, body and soul.

– Which is the strongest Chinese zodiac sign?

Dragon is considered to be the strongest Chinese zodiac animal.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

Meditation to yogic sleep: Which wellness ritual best suits your Chinese zodiac sign?

Kriti Nayyar

Senior Digital Writer, Wellness, Culture, Astrology, Tech

Kriti is a stay-at-home dog mama, whose knack for telling interesting stories keeps her erstwhile monotonous life sane. A literature & journalism degree holder, you'll find her binging on Agatha Christie novels while critiquing the everyday state of affairs. On Kriti's seldom social outings, she's seen devouring coffee sangria with appetizing bread on the side.

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