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Unlucky gemstones to avoid based on your zodiac sign

Crystals have long been revered, not only for their beauty but also for their healing powers that can soothe your mind, body and soul. However, some sparkly rocks have acquired a reputation for attracting bad luck in the wearer’s life, spelling doom when it comes to relationships, finances or health. In Astrology, each zodiac sign has a set of lucky and unlucky gemstones that one must be aware of. While the lucky amulets block off stressful situations and keep the cosmic interventions from spelling doom in your life, the unlucky trinkets draw negative energies that can topple your fortunes. Let’s take you through the unlucky gemstones associated with your zodiac sign, that must be avoided at all costs.

Certain stones are (in)famous around the world due to the history, folklore and superstition surrounding them. Meanwhile, other stones may bring you misfortune because they aren’t used correctly, cleansed properly or just don’t match your energy wavelength. Keep reading to know which gemstones are unlucky for your zodiac sign and why they get this reputation.

Beware of these unlucky gemstones based on your zodiac sign

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Unlucky gemstones: Opal and lapis lazuli

image credit: Anete Lusina/ pexels

Aries, you pursue everything with extreme passion – whether it’s your career, relationship, finances and more. However, this unbridled passion can turn awry in no time, making you very impulsive and angry when things don’t go as planned. You must avoid opal and lapis lazuli because they have very strong energies. Rather than soothing your worries and stress, these stones are likely to exacerbate your nervousness.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Unlucky gemstones: Aquamarine and topaz

blue topaz
Image credit: Gary Yost/ Unsplash

Lovers of opulence and all things sensual, you exude a deep desire for a luxurious life and strive to create a life of material comforts. While there’s no harm in wanting an extravagant lifestyle, you tend to get excessively involved in any habit and this overindulgence might cause your downfall.

This spendthrift nature and the need to put a facade to catch the world’s fancy brings you constant stress and you quickly feel overwhelmed by events. To take care of your mental health and keep your overindulgence at bay, avoid aquamarine and topaz. These stones can overstimulate your feelings of worry and anxiety, depriving you of a clear headspace to progress in life.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

Unlucky gemstones: Emerald and quartz

green emerald
Image credit: engin akyurt/ Unsplash

Thriving on creative endeavours and new adventures, your sign has a natural curiosity for every topic under the sun. You’re dynamic, playful and innovative, hating passivity and routine. To preserve your vigour and enthusiasm for life, you must avoid emerald and quartz. By exuding extremely mellow vibrations, these stones can kill your quick-thinking abilities and the spontaneous streak that makes your life exciting.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

Unlucky gemstones: Tiger’s eye, turquoise, and tourmaline

Image credit: Hasan Almasi/ Unsplash

Cancerians, you’re so emotional and sensitive and it doesn’t take you much to fall into melancholy. Ruled by the moon, you represent maternal energies, comfort and self-care. Since you feel everything deeply and give your everything to build relationships, you easily get bogged down and disappointed when people don’t live up to your expectations.

Your giving nature is often taken advantage of, causing you deep distress and an endless loop of sulking away. Crystals like tiger’s eye, turquoise, and tourmaline can further inhibit your zest for life, sending you further down the emotional pothole you can’t easily come out of.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Unlucky gemstones: Turquoise or lapis lazuli

lapis lazuli
Image credit: angelsover/ Pixabay

Leos, your fiery energy and outgoing personality always put you in the spotlight and rightly so (we could all use some infectious Leo energy to spruce up our lives as well!). With great self-confidence, generosity and loyalty, you advance in life easily to taste personal and professional success. Turquoise or lapis lazuli can greatly dim your vivid energy, stifle your confidence and make you doubt your achievements. Turquoise is often associated with corruption and decay, contrasting with the growth and joy you represent.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Unlucky gemstones: Emerald and aquamarine

Image credit: Wikimedia commons

Meticulous, perfectionist, systematic and practical – you represent order and harmony at its peak. You function best when you’ve outlined a plan of action, neatly sorted out the nitty gritty of your future affairs and have a schedule in place. Anything disrupting that balance in your life won’t appeal to you. Right? Stones like emerald and aquamarine risk bringing disorder into your life. The stones’ energy will conflict with your vibrations, eventually bringing chaos.

Libra (September 23 to October 23)

Unlucky gemstones: Ruby ​​and aquamarine

ruby November birthstone
Image credit: Akhilesh Sharma/ Unsplash

Libras, like the scales that represent your sign, you always strive to attain balance, harmony and peace in all endeavours. However, life isn’t that simple. Your indecisive nature makes it hard for you to make big decisions, and you’re always anxious and frustrated when that happens. Ruby and aquamarine could further exacerbate your frustration or even bring you to the brink.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 21)

Unlucky gemstones: Emerald and agate

green agate
image credit: etsy

Strong, enigmatic and independent, you’re an ambitious sign that succeeds in all their ventures. You crackle with an intensity and charisma that’s hard to ignore, and your mysterious aura adds to your overall appeal. With the finesse of mind and perseverance, you always distinguish yourself with your work. Crystals like emeralds and agate have the energy to destroy your potential. If these stones are in your vicinity, chances are that your best projects and endeavours won’t be as fruitful as you want them to be.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Unlucky gemstones: Agate, pearls and tiger’s eye

black pearl unlucky gemstones for zodiac
Image credit: AnnaD/ Pixabay

Sagittarius, you just want to break free from the shackles of every day and enjoy life to the fullest. With optimism and enthusiasm, you often manage to achieve your goals without being bogged down by the pressure of success. You like doing what you do, when you want to do it. Free spirits who love exploration and adventure, you definitely want to steer clear of anything which takes your liberty away. This is why you need to beware of agate, pearls and tiger’s eye as they can snatch your beautiful energy.

Capricorns (December 22 to January 19)

Unlucky gemstones: Pearls and aquamarine

aquamarine unlucky gemstones for zodiac
Image credit: Andy Holmes/ Unsplash

Patient, persevering, confident and serene – you have everything it takes to sail through life’s challenges gracefully. It’s very hard to shake your inner calm, and your unique spirits are powerful, to say the least. Gems like pearls and aquamarine exude such strong and opposing vibrations, which can compromise your stability and blur your clairvoyance.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Unlucky gemstones: Amber and topaz

unlucky gemstones amber
image credit: Natalia Soto/ Unsplash

Masters of your own life and slave to none, your creative and eccentric personalities are what make you so adorable. You love your freedom and independence and anyone quashing your desires is shown the exit door from your life. Unlucky gemstones like amber and topaz could rob you of this sense of freedom. They can put you at the risk of caving in to your emotions and it’ll get hard to keep your mind away from everyday concerns.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Unlucky gemstones: Jade

march birthstone jade
Image credit: PINKE/ Flickr

Just like your ruling planet Neptune, you’re mystical, pleasure-seeking, romantic and a little whimsical. You’re extremely versatile by nature, prepared to take on unforeseen impediments and oscillate between two states. You give everything you have and work tirelessly until the task is complete. On the other hand, you have a different side that doesn’t shy away from basking in the joys of life and taking ample time off for yourself and your loved ones, away from the hullabaloo of every day. You must avoid jade, as it can remove this sense of balance and order in your life, pushing you towards one extreme.

It’s time to rid yourself and your surroundings of these unlucky gemstones!

(Hero image credit: RDNE Stock project/ Pexels)

(Feature image credit: Cup of Couple/ Pexels)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Which stone brings bad luck?

Opal, black diamond as well as pearl are the three most infamous gemstones that have acquired a reputation for bringing bad luck to the wearer.

  • Can a diamond bring bad luck?

It is believed that diamond has connections to curses and misfortunes. These tales/ superstitions shape the belief that diamonds can bring bad luck.

  • Can gemstones change luck?

There are both lucky and unlucky gemstones associated with each zodiac sign that can change the fortune of its wearer.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

Unlucky gemstones to avoid based on your zodiac sign

Kriti Nayyar

Senior Digital Writer, Wellness, Culture, Astrology, Tech

Kriti is a stay-at-home dog mama, whose knack for telling interesting stories keeps her erstwhile monotonous life sane. A literature & journalism degree holder, you'll find her binging on Agatha Christie novels while critiquing the everyday state of affairs. On Kriti's seldom social outings, she's seen devouring coffee sangria with appetizing bread on the side.

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