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Scorpio, Aries and Gemini: Zodiac signs that are hard to love and why

Relationships can be difficult, and it requires a lot of time and effort to sustain one. Even if you have found the most compatible companion who will contribute to making a partnership enriching, they will have their own set of quirks. Relationship astrology becomes helpful here as it steers the zodiacs in the right direction to not only meet their soulmates but also provide solutions to improve existing romantic connections. While there are no good or bad sun signs, it is believed love comes easily to some than the rest. So, here is all about zodiac signs that are hard or difficult to love.

Which zodiac signs are difficult to love?


couple fight
Image: Courtesy of RDNE Stock project /Pexels

The first sign on the zodiac wheel is also the baby among the 12 signs. Aries, denoted by the ram, is otherwise a magical sign but is also known for its impulsive nature and bad temper. Although they are giving and spontaneously romantic while in a relationship, they also have anger issues, because of the influence of the red-hot planet Mars.

Though not impossible to love, they might be overbearing, dominating and aggressive from time to time which might overwhelm the other zodiacs.

Aries relationship tip: The best way to deal with them is to be patient and let them feel their emotions. It is most likely that they cool down pretty quickly on their own.


zodiac signs that are hard to love
Image: Courtesy of Inna Mykytas/Pexels

This is the first air sign on the zodiac wheel and represents the duality of nature. They are symbolised by the Twins and ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury. Flirty, intelligent, social and highly likeable, they like to flit like butterflies from one event to another.

It sure is a lot of fun to date a Gemini. They are curious beings with a penchant for newness, and one must know that they get bored easily. They also are forever fighting internal battles and could come across as confused which might frustrate their partner.

Gemini relationship tip: It is best to let them be their wonderful selves without putting too much pressure on them to be or act in a certain way while in a relationship. Spending time doing fun activities and having similar hobbies as them is also super helpful.


The most intense sign on the chart, Scorpio is ruled by the element of water and influenced by the planet of darkness and destruction, Pluto. Represented by a scorpion, they come with a developed sense of intuition to read minds. They are passionate and highly intelligent lovers, but the main challenge with them could be that scorpions are a bit distrusting.

They are also slightly vengeful and do not open up their hearts easily to people. But once they do, they expect full commitment and raise their expectations high which could be a bit daunting for other zodiacs to meet. Scorpio, hence, could be an incredibly draining partner.

Scorpio relationship tip: Be your most authentic self with them because they spot fake people from a mile away. If they love and accept your real self, that’s it. They will love you for life.


Image: Courtesy of Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

This crustacean water sign is the most emotional of the lot. The reason is, it is ruled by the moon which dominates the inner world of all the zodiacs. They are empathetic, nurturing, highly carnage partners who are completely devoted to the individuals they are involved with. Cancer perfectly exemplifies what love is supposed to feel like. They are turned off by casual or flippant behaviour in relationships.

They are too sensitive and have the potential to overthink everything. They may create dramatic scenarios in their heads and have doubts about their relationship. This could make them moody and lead them to withdraw without an explanation.

Cancer relationship tip: Communication is the key to winning relationships with a Cancer. It is very important for them to talk about their feelings and be emotionally available.


zodiac signs love

Bold and adventurous, Sagittarius is the most dynamic fire star sign ruled by the planet of travel and progress, Jupiter. Sags generally have vibrant personalities and are exciting partners. They hate stagnation of any kind and are incredibly independent and self-sufficient. This could be a bit destabilising for those who want a long-term commitment.

They are denoted by an archer and are known for their sharp tongue. They do not shy away from brutal honesty, especially with their loved ones. Hence, a Sagittarius could hurt the sentiments of some zodiacs. This makes them tricky to deal with at times.

Sagittarius relationship tip: The best way to keep a Sag happy in a relationship is to give them plenty of space to do their own thing like solo travel or any hobby they are passionate about. They do not like clingy partners and value their freedom over everything else.

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-What sign loves the hardest?
Cancerians and Pisces love unconditionally.

-Which zodiac sign is not easy to fall in love with?
Scorpio, with its intimidating nature, makes it difficult for other zodiacs to fall in love with them.

-Which zodiac sign has a hard time finding love?
Cancerians and Scorpios have a hard time finding true love, which makes them the zodiac signs that are most difficult to love.

-Which zodiac sign falls in love deeply?
Cancerians, Pisces, Scorpios and Aquarians fall in love deeply.

(Hero and feature image: Courtesy of Cottonbro Studio/Pexels)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

Scorpio, Aries and Gemini: Zodiac signs that are hard to love and why

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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