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Asteroids: What are they and how do they influence the birth chart?

Checking out the daily horoscope according to your sun sign is a bit basic, don’t you think? Astrology has evolved over a few centuries to become relevant and give a better perspective about the future to the millennial and GenZ populations alike. There is more to knowing one’s sun, moon and ascendant signs through a nuanced understanding of the placement of planets and north and south nodes in a birth chart. This brings us to asteroids, which further help in ascertaining the present and predicting the future of believers. Here is everything you need to know about these asteroids, also called minor planets, and their meaning.

Evolution, meaning and significance of asteroids in the birth chart

asteroids meaning
Image: Courtesy of Andy Homes/Unsplash

Asteroids have been negatively portrayed as indicators of an apocalypse or destruction mainly in popular culture. However, they are believed to have a positive impact on the person according to their placement in one’s birth chart. Often misunderstood but powerful, four major asteroids are considered in Western astrology, and all of them are named after feminine Roman or Greek deities, signifying various functions and objectives needed to have a fulfilling life.

Interestingly, asteroids, which are essentially smaller planets, were discovered in the 19th century, and the asteroid belt was between planets Mars and Jupiter. The gravitational pull of these celestial bodies helps maintain asteroids’ orbit in their specific pathway. Although many asteroids cross Earth’s orbit, not all are significant from an astrological point of view. Astrologers give special importance to these celestial bodies orbiting in the degree of one’s ascendant sign and personal planets. So, what do each of these four asteroids mean for you?

Types of asteroids and their meanings


Image: Courtesy of NASA/ Public Domain/ Wikimedia Commons

The first and the major body found between the main asteroid belt is named after a Roman goddess of harvest and fertility. It is one of the larger asteroids, depicting the life cycle of fulfilment, loss, grief, re-birth and transition. Its placement in one’s birth chart is connected to how one’s behaviour is in the practical world, their relationship with their child and how one processes sadness and loss.

According to Roman mythology, Ceres’s daughter Proserpina was kidnapped by the god of destruction and rebirth, Pluto. After much negotiation, it was agreed that she be returned to her mother for the six months of the year (spring and summer) and be sent back to Pluto during the winter and Fall months of the year. Because of this legend, the asteroid Ceres is connected to separation and reunion in the birth chart.


minor planets
Image: Courtesy of Credit: ESO/M. Marsset et al./CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons

Considered the most powerful among all the asteroids, Pallas depicts war, strategy, wit and skill. It not only displays the fighting spirit of the native but also sheds light on their problem-solving capabilities, their inherent intelligence in social, physical and emotional realms and their capability to overcome challenges in their life. According to Greek mythology, Pallas was born out of Zeus’s head, dressed in battle armour. He was blessed with a lot of strength and determination to fight and win their battles.

It is also associated with traditionally more masculine qualities of assertion and grit. The strategic placement of this asteroid in one’s birth chart signifies their relationship with important men in their life like brothers or fathers. The reason for this is that mythologically it is believed that Pallas works closely with her brother and their partnership is considered auspicious and profitable.


Image: Courtesy of Josef Ďurech/CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons

An epitome of femininity, Juno is also associated with Hera in Greek mythology, who is the deity of childbirth, family, marriage and purity. This asteroid symbolises all the positive stereotypes associated with how women are perceived to be. It depicts creativity and intuitiveness in a person.

According to Roman mythology, Juno is married to God Jupiter who is the Roman counterpart of Zeus. Tired of his philandering ways, she was devoted to raising his family but never gave up on her virtues. Hence, the significance of the asteroid Juno is also associated with sacrifice, loyalty and betrayal.

The placement of Juno in one’s birth chart shows how the native expresses themselves to the world and their social image.


Image: Courtesy of NASA / Björn Jónsson/ Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

Romans have for long worshipped Vesta or Vestal Virgins in the Temple of Vesta for their ability to light up their empire. This asteroid signifies light, health, spirituality and growth in an individual. Owing to its highly reflective surface, it is also one of the brightest known asteroids visible from our planet. Depending on how this asteroid orbits your birth chart, you will want to seek personal growth and fulfilment and nurture your physical and emotional health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What are called asteroids?

The meaning of asteroids is nothing but smaller versions of planets that orbit around the Sun.

– What is the world’s largest asteroid?

The world’s largest asteroid is Ceres.

– What are asteroids made of?

Asteroids are irregular shapes made from rubble, rocks, metal, carbon and silicon compounds.

(Hero and featured image:  Courtesy of Guillermo Ferla/Unsplash)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

Asteroids: What are they and how do they influence the birth chart?

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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