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111 angel number: What it means for your love life, health and career

The world is deeply rooted in numerical patterns. Be it the Fibonacci sequence or the value of pi — looking for meaning in seemingly random series of numbers has been an integral part of human survival. Naturally, the study of numerology puts much weight on repeating numbers or angel numbers. If you want to delve deeper into the meaning of these figures, learning about angel number 111 could be the perfect place to start.

While it’s almost impossible to imagine a time when society functioned without numbers, they are human inventions. To date, there exist indigenous tribes like the Pirahãs of the Amazon, who are alien to the concept of counting. That is why anthropologists believe that humans have, over time, learned to find patterns in nature and created numbers to derive meaning from them.

However, once numbers became a part of the common lexicon, they didn’t remain restricted to arithmetic and geometry. Occult practitioners specialising in Tarot and Kabbalah streams of astrology also used them to deduce an individual’s life path. Similarly, Western and Vedic astrology show methods to use numerical values to predict the future or provide relief from present challenges.

What are angel numbers?

111 angel number meaning
Image: Courtesy of Javardh/Unsplash

Every individual has a lucky number, feel practitioners of spirituality and mysticism. Some also believe that every repeating sequence of numbers that you notice — be it on license plates, billboard signs or even your clock — are angel numbers. According to numerology, they are signals from the universe to let you know that you are not alone and are always protected by your guardian angel.

Additionally, angel numbers symbolise the good vibes and positive energy required to accomplish any task. However, there is no mathematical equation that can be used to deduce one’s angel number as it is profoundly intuitive and personal to that particular individual. More than one powerful number can hold a deep meaning and influence a person’s life. 111 is one such number.

Angel number 111: Spiritual meaning

New beginnings, novel pathways, fresh opportunities — simply put, angel number 111 indicates the opening up of an energy portal for an individual to affirm their conviction in their decisions. It is a sign of hope for a bright future. Those who swear by the power of manifestation claim that this lucky angel number can make your wishes come true.

Once you spot angel number 111, you must be fearless and embrace transformation. Follow your gut, make changes and see the difference in your day-to-day life.

Influence of 111 on love life and twin flame philosophy

111 angel number
Image: Courtesy of Matt Nelson/Unsplash

If you keep seeing 111 everywhere, regardless of whether you are single or stuck in an old one, you should take this optimistically as it means things are in your favour. While this could symbolise happiness and a long-term partnership if you’re in a new romance, single people should take this as a sign that love is just around the corner and practise self-love.

If you feel stuck in a partnership with someone, take 111 as a sign to either rekindle a spark or cut your losses and move ahead. The appearance of this angel number should give you the courage to chart your path alone if the current relationship no longer serves you.

Additionally, the unique idea of the twin flame is associated with the angel number 111. Numerologists claim that if you strike a strong romantic connection with someone while seeing 111 repeatedly, you could have met ‘the one’. This is a rare occurrence and only those who are deeply spiritual, sensitive and connected to their inner self can feel this.

Twin flame partners come into one’s life with the purpose to heal and protect them.

Angel number 111: Effect on career

111 angel number
Image: Courtesy of Razvan Chisu/Unsplash

Number one in numerology is associated with qualities such as leadership and assertiveness. If you see this number often, take it as a sign to make that big move in your career. Be confident in your dealings with your professional relations and ask for a well-deserved raise or promotion without hesitation. You can also feel motivated to switch jobs, learn a new skill or even get a new educational degree.

Noticing the number 111 frequently might be the universe’s way of signalling you to make a bold move in your professional space and embrace new business opportunities with new vigour.

Effect of 111 angel number on health

good health
Image: Courtesy of Marc Najera/Unsplash

This numerical pattern is known for its powerful vibrations that may reflect positively on a person’s overall health. Seeing this angel number often can mean you need to focus on your mental peace and be strict in maintaining boundaries with people or situations that hamper the same.

You should take the appearance of 111 as an inspiration to start your fitness journey and be sincere about it. Under its guidance, your efforts will not go to waste.


Spotting angel number 111 is your sign to dare to dream. You should use this as a reminder to make the best of what the universe offers you. Furthermore, supplement your manifestations with hard work and effort to get rewarded.

Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Angel Magazine/CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0/WikiCommons

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does 111 signify for my love life?

If you keep seeing 111 everywhere, regardless of whether you are single, in a new relationship or stuck in an old one, you should take this optimistically. It means things will be in your favour.

Is 111 number bad luck?

No, seeing angel number 111 in a frequently should be taken as a positive sign to grow in life.

Is 111 an auspicious number?

Yes, 111 is an auspicious number as it symbolises a fresh start for an individual. It is considered the universe's way of urging you to manifest your dreams.

What does 111 mean in Hinduism?

The number 111 has a deep meaning in Hinduism too. The number is linked to the holy trinity of Hinduism: Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh. The three gods signify a complete cycle of human life that is creation, preservation and destruction. This powerful number should be used as an indicator to reassess your life and aim for bigger goals.

What exactly is an angel number?

Repeating sequences of numbers that you might notice — be it on license plates, billboard signs, or even your clock — are angel numbers. According to numerology, they are signals from the universe to let you know that you are not alone and are always protected by your guardian angel.

What does 11:11 time mean?

11:11 time on the clock signifies a divine intervention in your life, as per numerology. This should be taken as a good omen as it means that your guardian angel is watching over your actions and urging you to make the right decisions in their personal, professional and social life.

Written by

111 angel number: What it means for your love life, health and career

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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