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Harness the benefits of these healing crystals based on your zodiac sign

Crystals have worked their magic on the human race for centuries, with their origins dating back to ancient Egypt, China and Rome. The healing power of crystals is immeasurable, bringing positive energy, happiness and inner peace into your life. There’s a perfect crystal for you according to your zodiac sign that balances the negative energies and soothes the mind, body, and soul.

Each zodiac sign is born under the influence of certain planets, whose energies govern them. Wearing crystals helps in stabilizing these powerful energies and fostering growth. The concept of using crystals for healing has become more popular than ever, with celebrities like Katy Perry, Miranda Kerr and Adele vouching for their powers.

There are multiple ways to harness the benefits of these crystals. Make them a part of your house decor, wear them as an accessory or simply keep them around while meditating. We’ve curated a list of the healing crystals associated with each of the 12 zodiac signs and how they can benefit you.

Best healing crystals for each zodiac sign

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Carnelian

healing crystals
Image credit: Tiny Rituals/ Unsplash

This zodiac sign naturally exudes high energy, always ready to jump into adventures and pursue new ideas. Aries-born people have an overpowering force, which can be balanced with the carnelian stone. A carnelian stone boosts confidence, stabilising the sign’s temper and high-spirited soul so that important decisions can be taken calmly and wisely.

It also helps the wearer with relationship woes, helping them get rid of emotional baggage. Carnelian works best when used as a jewellery piece. You can adorn a carnelian bracelet, ring or pendant depending on your preference.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Rose Quartz

healing crystals
Image credit: Hans-August Beer/ Pixabay

Ruled by Venus, this sign thrives on love, romance, luxury and pleasure. People belonging to this sign are very emotional, down-to-earth and loyal, however, their stubbornness and hard-headed nature can be problematic.

Rose Quartz is an extremely soothing crystal that enhances Taurus’ kindness and compassion, in addition to inducing the feeling of relaxation. Rose Quartz carries a gentle feminine energy of comfort, nourishment and peace. Use it as a decor item in your home or even include a rose quartz roller in your beauty routine.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Clear Quartz

clear quartz
Image credit: Глеб Коровко/ Pexels

Always on the go, talkative and flaunting great communication skills, Gemini is a true social butterfly. Having an extremely fast-paced life, flocking from one venture to another, this sign needs a crystal that keeps them calm and grounded.

Clear quartz helps in building focus and clarity when things get overwhelming. It also helps calm down the wearer when they’re indecisive and are having overwhelming thoughts. The crystal is also very popular in meditation. Wear it as a necklace or simply hold it while meditating to attract peace and calmness.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Moonstone

Image credit: Stefan Schweihofer/ Pixabay

Cancer-born people are emotionally sensitive souls, taking everything to the heart. They’re extremely loving, gentle and compassionate and the most intuitive among all other signs. However, they tend to keep their emotions locked within themselves in times of need and become self-protective.

The moonstone helps in enhancing emotional harmony, assisting the wearer in their self-healing journey. It helps in navigating extreme feelings and sharpening emotional awareness. The stone gently lightens up your life, bringing forth the hidden truths that were earlier clouded by emotions.

Place a piece of moonstone near your bed or under your mattress to reduce stress and increase relaxation.


Leo (July 22 – August 22): Citrine

Image credit: Dieter Staab/ Pixabay

People belonging to this sign have a fiery energy that radiates strongly around the people they’re with. Bold extroverts on the outside and extremely gentle on the inside, Leos are givers who go above and beyond for the people they love.

Citrine is a sunny, vibrant crystal that amplifies this sign’s positive energy, bringing the wearer immense joy as well as energy to thrive. It promotes feelings of confidence and optimism, in addition to flaring up the sign’s creativity levels. Placing a piece of citrine in your wallet or holding it while meditating brings the best results.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Amazonite

Image credit: Amazon

Virgos have a keen eye for detail and nothing escapes their intense glare. Most people belonging to this sign are perfectionists, juggling between balance and chaos that often drains their energy. They are extremely self-critical and need a crystal to bring stillness to their life.

Amazonite brings a cooling and soothing effect that helps the wearer build inner kindness and be at ease. It boosts confidence, harmony, and self-love, bringing much-needed balance to the sign’s life. Amazonite works best as a jewellery piece, preferably a necklace.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Pink tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline
Image credit:

Easygoing and thoughtful, Libras strive for harmony and balance in life. They’re ruled by the planet of love, Venus, and are happiest when surrounded by their loved ones. This sign has a reputation for being highly indecisive, often feeling insecure when things don’t go as planned.

Pink tourmaline helps in getting rid of negative and insecure patterns, replacing them with feelings of love and joy. Using it will encourage the sign to experience the love that’s coming towards them so that they understand what it really means. The stone works best when placed near the heart, so you can wear a pink tourmaline necklace or even use it while meditating.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Aquamarine

Image credit: Wikimedia commons

Scorpio-born people can be very intense, assertive, and passionate, absorbing all the energies around them. They have unmatched focus when pursuing a goal, coming across as very driven. While the sign appears cold on the surface, they can be extremely sensitive and anxious on the inside.

Aquamarine aids with self-care, helping the wearer enjoy the calmness and release feelings of anxiety or frustration. It inspires a sense of peacefulness, inner strength and shields the wearer’s energy immensely. It’s ideal to wear aquamarine as jewellery close to the skin. This could be a necklace, ring as well as a bracelet.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Lepidolite

Image credit: Fruugo India’s website

Sagittarians are adventurous souls, always curious to learn new things and travel every now and then. They also inspire all other zodiac signs to live freely. Clever, optimistic and goal-oriented, this sign is always on the lookout for something that boosts their creativity.

The lepidolite stone broadens the sign’s horizons, instilling feel-good energy and boosting optimism. It also stabilises the sign’s highly spontaneous nature, paving the way for emotional sanity. Place the healing crystal on your nightstand or even under the bed to calm your mind and have a peaceful sleep.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Garnet

Image credit: noshaq_gems/ Instagram

Capricorns are highly ambitious in nature, always motivated by stability and success. They don’t like unsolicited advice or any external entity coming their way when it comes to their goals. This highly-driven and enterprising nature can be really stressful at times, causing feelings of anxiety and distress.

The soothing garnet keeps anxiety at bay and brings stability, helps in releasing baggage in addition to stimulating energy levels to increase productivity. The easiest way to harness garnet’s benefits is by keeping a piece of it in your pocket or wallet.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Amethyst

Image credit: sara graves/ Pixabay

Ruled by Uranus, this sign is free-spirited, rebellious, clever, quirky as well as a little eccentric. People belonging to this sign are born visionaries, always looking for creative and innovative solutions to their problems. However, these overpowering thoughts and brainstorming often leave the sign mentally drained and clogged.

Amethyst works wonders when it comes to boosting mental clarity and bridging the gap between the mind and body. It also helps the wearer bring out their best creative side. Keep this healing crystal near your bed at night or wear it as a pendant.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Aquamarine

Image credit: Andy Holmes/ Unsplash

Pisceans are dreamers, who love unconditionally and feel emotions deeply. They often prioritise the needs of others before their own and easily end up feeling hurt and dejected when things don’t work out.

Aquamarine supports their emotional side, providing soothing energy and calming vibes to balance their nature. It also brings joy and allows for deep conversations in a relationship. Meditating with the crystal as well as using it as an accessory brings great benefits.

Hero image: Courtesy Tessa Mannonen/Pixabay; Feature image: Courtesy Wei/Pexels


The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What healing crystals are based on zodiac sign?

There’s a lucky healing crystal for each zodiac sign that balances the negative energies and soothes the mind, body, and soul.

Which stone should I wear according to my zodiac sign?

Each zodiac sign has a specific stone, harnessing the benefits of the stone, is essential for peace and prosperity. For example, carnelian works best for the Aries zodiac sign while rose quartz is perfect for Taurus-born people.

How do I find the perfect crystal for me?

You must identify what you're missing and craving in your life and then look for the crystal that would benefit you the most.

Written by

Harness the benefits of these healing crystals based on your zodiac sign

Kriti Nayyar

Senior Digital Writer, Wellness, Culture, Astrology, Tech

Kriti is a stay-at-home dog mama, whose knack for telling interesting stories keeps her erstwhile monotonous life sane. A literature & journalism degree holder, you'll find her binging on Agatha Christie novels while critiquing the everyday state of affairs. On Kriti's seldom social outings, she's seen devouring coffee sangria with appetizing bread on the side.

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